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Robert Pickton's lawyer, Peter Ritchie. Don MacKinnon/AFP/Getty Images

Lawyer wants second trial, appeal to coincide

Ritchie asks justice system not to await decision on appeal of first six murders before starting case on 20 more charges

Crown files appeal in Pickton case

Crown wants B.C. Court of Appeal to set aside six second-degree murder convictions

Pickton must serve 25 years

Sentenced late Tuesday to life imprisonment after court hears victim impact statements

Court hears from victim's families

Heartfelt statements read at sentencing for Robert Pickton

Pickton guilty on six counts

Marathon deliberations in conviction; serial killer faces trial on 20 more charges

Earlier Q&A;

robert matas

Covering the Pickton trial: Robert Matas online

Audio Slideshow


The trouble with DNA Popup

The Pickton trial could not be tried solely on the presence of genetic evidence

Seen & heard


Reflections on the Pickton trial Popup

Robert Matas discusses the trial


CP PHOTO/Chuck Stoody

The Pickton farm Popup

The notorious property has cast a shadow over the community


After the decision 

Exclusion of evidence sparks debate

People who spent years investigating the murders felt jury members would have reached a verdict of first-degree murder if they had received all the information

The grisly work of defending a serial killer

For almost six years, a team of lawyers represented Robert Pickton without a quiver of ambiguity in their voices

Second Pickton trial unlikely, lawyers say

While jury deliberates whether he is guilty of killing six women, farmer still faces charges for murder of 20 others

Key facts kept from Pickton jury: investigator

Past head of Vancouver's Missing Women Task Force hopes unusual statement will stir debate over whether courts should keep evidence from juries

Downtown Eastside: A haunting ground for many, a hunting ground for one

Women will continue to work the streets despite the conviction of Robert Pickton

A generous companion or a diabolical killer?

You cannot watch him walk into the courtroom without thinking, here is the 58-year-old bachelor known internationally as the pig farmer on trial for the murder of drug-addicted prostitutes

From working farm to rural nightmare

Before becoming a scene of grisly discoveries, the Pickton property was used for a mixed bag of business

Key dates in Pickton case

Who is Robert Pickton

Quick sketch describes accused killer

During deliberations 

Rites unified families awaiting Pickton verdict

Families appreciated kindness of strangers

Pickton jurors look back on trial's boredom, trauma

Say weeks of DNA evidence in the mammoth case stick in their minds more than the gory details

Pickton judge admits mistake

Rewords his instructions to jury, explaining he had not been sufficiently precise

Victims' families upset over treatment

Meetings fail to resolve dispute at Robert Pickton first-degree murder trial over complaints raised about victim services agency

Tree buoys spirits during wait for Pickton verdict

Christmas tree appears on plaza with 26 white angels, one for each of the missing women

Court atmosphere turns icy for families

Authorities have banned board games, puzzles and knitting needles for victims' relatives awaiting verdict

Graphic cases trigger nightmares, stress in jurors

After almost a year, seven men and five women who are deciding Pickton's fate will have to figure out how to return to their lives

Closing arguments 

Carefully review police videotapes, judge instructs jury

Second day of instructions as the 10-month Pickton trial moves to a close

Judge lays out rules for verdict

Jury doesn't have to decide whether Pickton acted alone, legal instructions say

Accused 'wants to put one over on you'

Evidence against Pickton ties together perfectly, prosecution says in wrapping up case

'Red herrings, straw men and a bogeyman'

Crown begins summation, scorning Pickton defence arguments that challenge evidence

Police ignored parts of forensic evidence

It linked others to dead women, Pickton lawyer says in closing argument

Pickton never confessed: lawyer

Defence argues that jail-cell talk was merely parroting police

Crown built case on lies: Pickton defence

Police interrogators trapped 'weak-minded' farmer into incriminating statements, lawyer says

The trial: Weeks 1-8 

Week 1: Case set out before jury

Long-awated murder trial of Robert Pickton begins with opening statements and video of police interrogation of the suspect made in 2002

Week 2: Defence hammers at police about interrogation

Court also hears about extent of forensic search on Pickton property

Week 3: Police first enter the farm looking for weapons

Trial hears that search quickly shifts to a hunt for evidence on missing women; court hears Pickton conversations with cell plant

Week 4: Thousands of pieces of evidence pulled from Pickton property

Court hears details about blood splatters and syringes of blue liquid

Week 5: Grisly discoveries outlined in court

Police testify they found decomposing, bisected skulls of several women on the Pickton farm

Week 6: Jury learns Pickton's brother Dave also investigated over missing women

Trial also hears how remains of two women were found in a freezer while defence hammers away at DNA contamination of evidence

Week 7: Pickton tells childhood stories to woman in audio letter

Court listened as the then 42-year-old described his life in school, on the farm and described his plans for the future

Week 8: Court heard police paid for witness to attend drug program

Officer testifies he was "trying to keep the lines of communication open …"

The trial: Weeks 9-17 

Week 9: Technologists describe DNA testing details

Defence and prosecution question investigators about very different items of evidence

Week 10: Lab works with 750 known DNA profiles, court hears

RCMP labs use four different databases — the Canadian Caucasian database and three from the native populations in B.C., Ontario and Saskatchewan for comparison

Week 11: Jury unfazed by experts' grim DNA testimony

Photographs of evidence seen over 10 weeks of testimony kept in thick binders

Week 12: Court decides jury will hear from fewer officers

Every police officer who touched an exhibit only required to recount their role only when either the prosecution or defence identifies a contentious issue

Week 13: Jurors shaken by graphic evidence

Mr. Justice James Williams, of B.C. Supreme Court had warned the seven men and five women of the jury viewing photographs of human remains was part of the task for which they signed

Week 14: Jury hears missing women had troubling lives

Details about when the women were last seen were introduced in court by agreement of both the prosecution and defence, which was expected to reduce the length of the trial by several weeks

Week 15: Details about missing woman upset witness

Court heard from woman who had known Georgina Papin for more than 20 years

Week 16: Witness disgusted by pig farmer's work

Foreman recalls visits to rendering plant where accused handled offal with his bare hands

Week 17: Pig farmer had referred to suicide as 'the only way out' of predicament

Court heard Pickton had given a close female friend nearly $80,000 and her children called him 'daddy'

The trial: Weeks 18-27 

Week 18: Long-time business associate offers conflicting testimony

Jurors began to look perplexed after Pat Casanova's third day on the stand at the Pickton trial

Week 19: Key prosecution witness contradicts earlier statements

Pickton smiles as key police source offers recollections that clash with RCMP officers' previous testimony

Week 20: Tenant praises Pickton as landlord and friend

Gerald McLaughlin says he did not see anything unusual on the farm

Week 21: Witness says she saw Pickton butchering woman

Lynn Ellingson told court she saw the woman's long, black hair on a table in the barn and knives full of blood

Week 22: Key witness admits lying to police

But Lynn Ellingson insisted that the core of her account of a woman hanging like a pig in Mr. Pickton's was true

Week 23: Jurors told they'll be home for Christmas

Pickton trial moving more quickly than anticipated, judge says

Week 24: Pickton demonstrated how he strangled prostitutes, witness says

Accused pulled out leather belt, handcuffs and wire from under mattress, addict says

Week 25: Pickton's limited intelligence must be considered, jury told

In opening its case, defence offers explanation for incriminating statements

Week 26: Defence witnesses describe with fondness their time on farm

Court hears recollections of fun and fresh air, and the judge tells jurors to disregard prosecution evidence about Jane Doe

Week 27: Witness hedges on timing of last look in freezer

Under prosecution questioning, farm worker doesn't remember as much as he first appeared to know about key evidence

The trial: Week 28-30 

Week 28: New information added to Ellingsen timeline

Cheques offered in evidence from Pickton company indicate key witness could have had contact with him up to July, 1999

Week 29: Debate over Pickton's intelligence brings a smile to his face

Letter from jail withdrawing from a high-school correspondence course shows more than Grade 5 intelligence, prosecution suggests

Week 30: Pickton chooses not to take the stand in his own defence

IQ test expert called by defence spars with prosecution over accused's level of intelligence

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