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Instider's Guide
Insider's Guide
Each week a Globe correspondent will walk you
through the best and worst of their cities.

From drab to ab fab bullet
London -- When I'm not in London, I miss it. I miss the chaos of the street life, its anger and its thwarted passion. It's a city with humour; it laughs at itself. Its humour is culturally reflected in its art and its theatre and its shops. It is quite self-mocking and you can feel that.

L. A. confidential bullet
Los Angeles -- The first time I paid Los Angeles a visit, I was not even aware that it had happened. In fact, I had vowed to stay far away from this infamous sea of tawdriness, bad taste, ugly architecture, pollution, commercial entertainment and urban violence.

Beijing beyond the bustle bullet
Beijing -- The air is thick with humidity and the soupy smog from the million cars that clog the arteries of downtown Beijing. Without warning, 24 peasant soldiers in pea-green uniforms turn a corner and come marching down the narrow sidewalk, human automatons with no intention of changing path. A collision with the People's Liberation Army is imminent.

Dear dirty Dublin bullet
Dublin -- More European than English, the streets of this 1,000-year-old city ring with the lilt of endless cheerfulness. Abandon Temple Bar, The Globe's JOHN DOYLE advises, and discover Grafton Street, where the politicians, poets, playwrights and plain people meet.

A New York minute bullet
New York -- In this first of a six-part series by Globe correspondents on their cities, SIMON HOUPT takes you past the feel-good façades to find what really makes the Big Apple shine.

Paris is better than you bullet
Paris, France -- After a lavish breakfast at Le Pain Quotidien, wander the winding streets of the Marais district, left, famous for its small shops and great atmosphere. And be sure not to miss Monet's home at Giverny, where you will learn that comfort and beauty has nothing to do with expensive suede and Yabu Pushelberg.

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