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The village

Biharipur, India Since 1993, Globe and Mail reporter John Stackhouse has made Biharipur, a small village in Uttar Pradesh, India, a window into the despair and victories of the developing world. He writes of women burying their children, a resourceful Sikh family, a poor but proud father of the bride, brothers who flee to the city, the divisive powers of caste and religion, the trouble a school can bring, and a widow who has no name.

February 17, 2001: For richer or poorer: Its stunning success may tear India apart
February 19, 2001: Indian town makes gains but is 'tragically the same'

Past Coverage: 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1999

February 6: A battlefield for vitamin sources
May 18: Village girls learn a hard lesson
June 29: Marriage, honour go hand in hand
July 24: Rural lifestyle changes lanes
September 13: India's road to health care still unpaved
November 8: Prime time for the village pump

March 3: Rural India can't bear more children
March 7: The rich get richer, and the poor get a breakfast of small potatoes
June 16: Witch doctor is part of a dying industry
July 27: Savvy, effort pay off
November 24: Brothers eagerly join India's urban march

January 2: Death no stranger in Indian village
May 17: Night brings sad songs of destitute widows
December 27: A lesson in village democracy

March 5: India's new body politic splintered by caste
May 10: Politics hinders work of Indian gurus

August 4: Midnight's children

July 31: Class warfare

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