Annual Public Meeting


CBC/Radio-Canada held its first Annual Public Meeting on September 23, 2009 — online. Internet users from across Canada were able to find out more about the national public broadcaster, and to submit their questions live.

Tim W. Casgrain, Chair of the Board of Directors; Hubert T. Lacroix, President and CEO; and Suzanne Morris, Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, reviewed the highlights of 2008–2009 and provided an overview of the Corporation’s strategic direction for the current fiscal year and for the future.

“If the last year made one thing clear, it’s that serious financial challenges are the reality for CBC/Radio-Canada and that we have no choice but to adapt,” said Tim W. Casgrain, Chair of the Board of Directors. “Our success rests on reaching more Canadians in more ways than ever before, with content they want, and indeed need. It’s what we focused on preserving last year, and it’s what we’re committed to safeguarding in the future. It’s what Canadians expect, and its what they deserve.”

The Annual Public Meeting allowed the Corporation to forge closer ties with the public, to show greater transparency in its management of public funds, and to reaffirm its commitment to serving Canadians.

Hubert T. Lacroix declared, “All CBC/Radio-Canada’s services, on television, radio and the Internet, in English and French, cost only $34 per year per Canadian — which translates into less than 10 cents a day. Our Annual Public Meeting has allowed us to show our shareholders the wide range of services they receive for that amount, and to listen to their comments and ideas.”

Archives of the meeting webcast are available online: English with simultaneous interpretation or original webcast. Answers to the most frequently asked questions will be posted at this address shortly.

Video: What can you get for less than $34 per year?
(runs 3 minutes, Windows Media format)