News Releases

CBC/Radio-Canada thanks Canadians for their generosity

Ottawa – January 23, 2010 — CBC/Radio-Canada thanks Canadians for the outpouring of generosity that they demonstrated in response to the Haiti related fundraising broadcast Friday evening.

“The extent of the need for humanitarian assistance in Haiti has clearly touched Canadians. In the spirit of solidarity that reflects Canadians’ reaction to major crises, the shows that we aired last evening were produced in collaboration with many broadcasters in both English and in French, each contributing talent and expertise and a spirit of cooperation. As of this morning, the evening elicited donations from Canadians of more than $18 million ($11.5 million for Canada for Haiti and $6.6 million for Ensemble pour Haiti). Factoring in the federal government’s commitment to match public donations that’s more than $36 million that Canada has committed to Haiti in one evening. We’re delighted to have been able to do our part in facilitating this amazing expression of Canadian generosity,” said Hubert T. Lacroix, President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada.

“On behalf of all employees at CBC/Radio-Canada, including in particular those on the ground in Haiti covering the tragedy and those who worked so hard to bring these events to life, we thank you for giving,” added Hubert T. Lacroix.

CBC/Radio-Canada is delighted that the objectives of this exercise were surpassed and that the funds raised will allow Canadian NGOs to bring aid and reconstruction to the people of Haiti.

About CBC/Radio-Canada

CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's national public broadcaster and one of its largest cultural institutions. The Corporation is a leader in reaching Canadians on new platforms and delivers a comprehensive range of radio, television, Internet, and satellite-based services. Deeply rooted in the regions, CBC/Radio-Canada is the only domestic broadcaster to offer diverse regional and cultural perspectives in English, French and eight Aboriginal languages.

For additional information, please contact:

Marco Dubé
Director, Media Relations and Issues Management