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Volunteering for the Foundation

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the David Suzuki Foundation! Achieving our shared goal of sustainability within a generation is a big job and we won’t be successful without the help of committed volunteers and supporters like you working across the country.

Volunteers enhance the Foundation’s ability to accomplish its goals by expanding its workforce, diversifying its knowledge base and areas of expertise, and raising its profile in communities across the country.

Here are some of the ways individuals can support our mission through volunteer service:

Volunteers are needed regularly to generate research on campaign issues and project-specific topics.

Individuals who can provide support for IT projects, data entry, filing and mail-outs are always needed!

Volunteers are needed to host information tables at community events and assist at fundraising events.

Special Projects
Foundation programs often need particular skill sets for short-term or ongoing projects.

Pro-bono Work
Specialized skills and professional services are needed, and individuals and businesses can help support the Foundation’s mission by sharing their expertise and training.

Advisory Councils
Academics, business leaders, elders and other specialized groups serve the Foundation by providing advice, perspective and expertise to Foundation staff.

Click here to view our current volunteer opportunities.

We thank all of our supporters for their commitment. In our busy world, time is a precious commodity and we thank you for sharing your time, skills and knowledge with us. If you have questions about our volunteer opportunities, please contact the Manager of Volunteer Services at volunteer@davidsuzuki.org.

David Suzuki


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