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Climate change is considered by many scientists to be the most serious threat facing the world today. The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement to cut greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change. Solutions include phasing out coal plants, expanding renewable energy sources and public transit, and creating new efficiency standards for vehicles and buildings. Find out what you can do to help make a difference!

What's new

2010 OlympicsThe 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver are raising the bar for climate action. With the eyes of the world focused on Canada as the host of the Winter Olympics, now is a great opportunity for Canadians to learn more and take action on global warming.

What are the science based targets for tackling greenhouse gas emissions?  What target has the Canadian government set and are we on track to reach it? What are the policies that will enable us to achieve these goals?  These questions are explored in Climate Leadership, Economic Prosperity.

Climate Change and Canadian Mining: Opportunities for Adaptation describes the vulnerability of the Canadian mining industry to climate change, highlights opportunities for adaptation and provides recommendations for industry and government.

Purchasing Carbon Offsets: A Guide for Canadian Consumers, Businesses and Organizations aims to help Canadians choose carbon offsets that will most benefit the climate. The user-friendly guide is the first publication of its kind in Canada, and ranks 20 carbon offset vendors on the quality of the offsets they sell, as well as on some of their business practices.  You can download the guide here.

How will climate change impact the future of winter sports? Download On Thin Ice, a report examining how the decisions we make now will ultimately affect the future of winter sports and the role they play in Canada's identity, natural heritage, and economy.

Go Carbon Neutral. Learn how you can take responsibility for your impact on the climate.

Projects: Some of the climate change initiatives the Foundation is involved in.
Science: The scientific consensus is clear: human-caused climate change is happening.
Impacts: Wildlife, human health and economies worldwide are threatened by climate change. 
Kyoto Protocol: A crucial first step toward addressing climate change.

Energy: Learn about the advantages of renewable energy, conservation & efficiency over fossil fuels and nuclear power.
Solutions: Practical and cost-effective solutions to climate change are already available in many industrial sectors

What You Can Do: Simple changes in our everyday lives can make a big difference.

Publications: Download and read our latest reports on climate change, the Kyoto Protocol, and more.

Links: Additional resources on climate change and energy issues.

David Suzuki


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