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Promoting Global Conservation

Most of us connect nature with outdoor activities, but our natural surroundings provide much more than a simple place to camp, hike and swim. The trees, plants and animals provide services essential to all life - collectively they clean the water, purify the air and maintain the soil.

What happens in one region of the planet affects all others. As dust from the Sahara desert drifts far away to the Americas, the water cycle in Amazonian rainforests impacts weather patterns in Europe.

Human development is disrupting these complex and essential natural systems with devastating impacts: plant and wildlife extinctions, deforestation, air and water pollution, climate change, and desertification.

Reversing this trend is possible, but it will require a unified effort.

There are far too many endangered species in Canada and around the world.

Whether it’s scrutinizing Canada’s federal Species at Risk Act, strengthening endangered species laws in the provinces of British Columbia and Ontario, or developing conservation plans with scientists and communities in Tibet, the David Suzuki Foundation is working hard to protect this beautiful planet and our fragile place in it.

What's New

Nature is priceless, but we can estimate its value to the economy. 
Ontario’s Wealth, Canada’s Future: Appreciating the Value of the Greenbelt's Eco-Services
shows how the economy of Ontario's "Golden Horseshoe" will reap a benefit of 2.6 billion dollars annually from a greenbelt kept in its natural state.

Canada's Polar Bear

Findings by the David Suzuki Foundation reveal that polar bears are without basic protections through most of Canada.

--Conservation planning 

--Protecting Endangered Species

--Forests and Wildlands

--Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Conserving Forests

David Suzuki


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