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David Suzuki Foundation Publications

Most reports can be downloaded for free using Adobe Reader. Hard copies of some reports are also available for sale and can be ordered by mail. For information on availability of Printed copies of these reports, please contact Orders.

Boreal Forest report
Conservation Value of the North American Boreal Forest from an Ethnobotanical Perspective
Managing BC's Forests
Managing BC’s Forests for a Cooler Planet
Carbon Storage, Sustainable Jobs and Conservation
A new climate for conservation
A new climate for conservation
Nature, Carbon and Climate Change in British Columbia

Climate Leadership, Economic Prosperity 
Climate change and Canadian mining
Climate Change and Canadian Mining
Opportunities for Adaptation
 Climate Offset Guide cover
Purchasing Carbon Offsets
A guide for Canadian Consumers,
Businesses, and Organizations

Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services
A report on ecosystem services in the Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (Pncima) on the British Columbia coast

Bridging the Divide: The Role of Canada and Major Developing Countries in a Strong Climate Deal

Not Just a Pretty View
An Overview of What the Oceans Do for Us

On Thin Ice
Winter Sports and the Olympics

Cleaning Up Our Ocean
A report on ocean pollution from shipping-related sources in the Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (Pncima) on the British Columbia Coast

Knowledge Integration in Salmon Conservation and Sustainability Planning Towards Effective Implementation of Wild Salmon Policy Strategy

A Green Economic Stimulus Package to Secure our Current and Future Prosperity

Doing Business in a New Climate
This new how-to guide helps businesses measure, reduce, and offset their greenhouse gas emissions.

An economic analysis showing that Canada can prosper economically while doing its share to prevent dangerous climate change

Analyse économique démontrant que le Canada peut assurer sa prospérité économique tout en faisant sa part pour prévenir les changements climatiques dangereux

Last Place on Earth
British Columbia needs a law to protect species from habitat loss and global warming

Bountiful Sea
Explore PNCIMA’s mystery and natural wonder

State of the Ocean in the Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (PNCIMA) gives an overview of the biological and ecological diversity of the region.

Ontario's Wealth Canada's Future:
Appreciating the Value
of the Greenbelt's Eco-Services

shows the greenbelt will contribute
2.6 billion dollars a year to the economy.

This report compares the effectiveness of two of the most common types of carbon offsets used in the voluntary carbon market.

Dans son nouveau rapport d’évaluation des plans des provinces pour lutter contre les changements climatiques...

Most provinces are stepping up with strong targets and policies to reduce greenhouse gases in the absence of federal leadership on climate change...
Global Assessment of Closed System Aquaculture
As the global demand for seafood increases and ecological constraints put limits on wild fish supplies...
Marine Protected Areas Report Card Cover
Marine Protected Areas

Progress Report Card for Canada on Marine Protected Areas...

Pesticide Free? Oui!
How Quebec's cosmetic pesticide ban--Canada's first--can be improved and used as a model for other provinces.
Returning Salmon
Returning Salmon
Integrated Planning and the Wild Salmon Policy in B.C.
Tomorrow Today (english)
Tomorrow Today
How Canada can make a world of difference.

A detailed economic study of carbon pricing, which uses the market to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide.
An Upstream Battle
An upstream battle
Declines in 10 Pacific Salmon stocks and solutions for their survival...
Meeting the challenge
Meeting the Challenge
A carbon neutral 2010 winter games.

Declining wild salmon populations in relation to parasites from farm salmon
Investigating the impacts of sea lice from fish farms on wild salmon abundance...
Canada's Polar Bear
Canada's Polar Bear: Falling through the Cracks?
Canada is home to more than half of the world’s polar bears. But this iconic species is in danger...

Hot Properties
How global warming could transform B.C.'s real estate sector...
Dragging our Assets
Dragging our Assets
Toward an Ecosystem Approach to Bottom Trawling in Canada offers recommendations to reduce the ecological impact of bottom trawling...
Prescription for a Healthy Canada
Prescription for a Healthy Canada
This report calls on the federal government, in collaboration with the provinces and territories, to adopt a national environmental health strategy for Canada...


Sustainability Within a Generation: A New Vision for Canada

Our overall goals are contained in the report Sustainability within a Generation. The report outlines how a long-term national plan with clear targets and timelines would generate less pollution and waste and improve the quality of life for all Canadians.

The policy changes in Sustainability Within a Generation are simple and involve a common theme: making the market work better. For example, Canada still subsidizes polluting industries such as mining and oil exploration. Instead, Canada should use a preventative approach, which is less expensive than cleaning up after environmental degradation occurs. Our recommended legislative changes would make polluters pay and benefit good environmental performers, which would put Canada ahead both environmentally and economically.

The Suzuki Foundation publishes books about a variety of environmental issues, for both adults and children.

Newsletters and Annual Reports
The Suzuki Foundation newsletter, Finding Solutions is published three times a year and available to download. Annual reports, starting in 2001, are also available in PDF format.

The Foundation raises additional funds through the sale of some books, T-shirts, DVDs and CDs.

Reports by Year

  2008 Reports

Doing Business in a New Climate
This new how-to guide helps businesses measure, reduce, and offset their greenhouse gas emissions.

An economic analysis showing that Canada can prosper economically while doing its share to prevent dangerous climate change

Analyse économique démontrant que le Canada peut assurer sa prospérité économique tout en faisant sa part pour prévenir les changements climatiques dangereux

This report compares the effectiveness of two of the most common types of carbon offsets used in the voluntary carbon market.
Most provinces are stepping up with strong targets and policies to reduce greenhouse gases in the absence of federal leadership on climate change...
Meeting the challenge
Meeting the Challenge

A carbon neutral 2010 winter games..
An Upstream Battle
Declines in 10 Pacific Salmon stocks and solutions for their survival...
 Pricing Carbon:Saving Green
Pricing Carbon: Saving Green
A detailed economic study of how Canada can put a price on carbon without damage...
Tomorrow Today (english)
How Canada can make a world of difference.
 Returning Salmon
Integrated Planning and the Wild Salmon Policy in B.C.

How Quebec's cosmetic pesticide ban - Canada's first - can be improved and used as a model for other provinces.

  2007 Reports
Rich Wildlife Poor Protection

The urgent need for strong legal protection of British Columbia's Biodiversity...
This report highlights the plight of eight threatened species denied protection under the federal Species At Risk Act...
This report documents the failure of past and current government policy to protect salmon habitat...
This 38-page report explains how the government could reduce energy consumption by offering consumer rebates...
Acute pesticide poisoning in Canada...

High and Dry

An investigation of salmon habitat destruction in British Columbia...

Zoned RS-1
Zoned RS-1

Residential Salmon-1 - a bylaw to regulate the preservation, maintenance and repair of salmon residential areas in Everytown...
Prescription for a Healthy Canada
This report calls on the federal government, in collaboration with the provinces and territories, to adopt a national environmental health strategy for Canada...
Dragging our Assets
Toward an Ecosystem Approach to Bottom Trawling in Canada offers recommendations to reduce the ecological impact of bottom trawling...
Hot Properties
Hot Properties
How global warming could transform B.C.'s real estate sector...
Canada's Polar Bear
Canada's Polar Bear: Falling through the Cracks?
Canada is home to more than half of the world’s polar bears. But this iconic species is in danger...

Declining wild salmon populations in relation to parasites from farm salmon
Investigating the impacts of sea lice from fish farms on wild salmon abundance...
 2006 Reports
Development Strategy
This 32-page report outlines a proposal to fulfill Canada's international obligation to develop a comprehensive environment plan...

Fireproof Whales and
Mother's Milk

This 24-page report examines a group of chemicals used as flame-retardants that are found in a wide range of products...

The Water we Drink
An International Comparison of Drinking Water Quality Standards and Guidelines...
An International Comparison of Pesticide Regulations...

An International comparison of air quality standards and guidelines...

2006 Status report of provincial climate change plans...
A professional's guide to sustainable seafood documents the current status of many fish and shellfish stocks...

This short report outlines a series of Canadian guidelines that can reduce the negative the health risks associated with radon...

Pesticide Use in Canada
Reviews the 61 pesticides that are banned in other industrialized countries but still widely used in Canada...
Forever Farmland
Reshaping the Agricultural Land Reserve for the 21st Century...
Conservation status and threats to species associated with old-growth forests
...within the range of the Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) in British Columbia, Canada. Published in Biodiversity...
The Nature Challenge Teacher's Guide
A comprehensive resource for grades 4 - 7, packed with 20 unique lesson plans developed in accordance with the B.C. curriculum...

This report investigates the impact of sea lice on wild salmon caused by fish farms...

 2005 Reports
Comparing Progress toward Sustainability...
Canada's role in preventing
Dangerous Climate Change...

Released on October 3, 2005, this report looks at provincial and territorial action on climate change...

Taking Stock of British Columbia's Fish Habitat
Our recent investigation of logging practices in the Kalum Forest District has revealed many apparent violations of the Fisheries Act...
A new report commissioned by the David Suzuki Foundation says urgent reform is needed within DFO in order to save Pacific fisheries...

A new report, supported by the David Suzuki Foundation, confirms that a B.C. fish farm is responsible for an overwhelming increase in sea lice on wild fish...

Closing in on Environmentally sound aquaculture
A fresh look at the economics of closed-containment systems...
Recommendations for responsible aquaculture outlines some of the main ecological concerns with shellfish farming on the B.C. coast...

The final of three status reports analyzing the scope and type of logging and ecological value of proposed protection in Canada's temperate rainforests...
Drive Green: Company Car Tax Shift
This 24-page proposal shows how Canada can reduce greenhouse gas emissions...

 2004 Reports
Putting the Assumptions to the Test
Examines and discounts the key assumptions made by the federal science panel on offshore oil and gas in their submission to the federal government in February, 2003...

Report on sea lice in the Broughton Archipelago...

Seas of Change
Ten Recommendations for Fisheries on the B.C. coast...
This 52-page report outlines how Canada can become a world leader in sustainability by the year 2030...

Fostering a Sustainable Canada
This 36-page document was presented to Canada's Standing Committee on Finance in November 2004...

Smart Generation: Powering Ontario with Renewable Energy
Shows how Ontario can immediately develop its abundant renewable sources of energy while creating a new focus on energy conservation and efficiency...

This report from the David Suzuki Foundation and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives warns that British Columbia will face an energy crunch if it doesn't make sweeping changes...

Planning for the Next Generation
Ten Principles for Climate
Protection and Innovation...
The Coastal Temperate Rainforests of Canada
The need for ecosystem-based forest management...

 2003 Reports 

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: Canada, Kyoto and Developing Countries
This 12-page background paper from the David Suzuki Foundation, World Wildlife Fund Canada and Greenpeace Canada outlines how Canada is trying to weaken the Kyoto Protocol...

Risky Business is a short background paper that describes how Canada is funding a controversial tree plantation in Brazil...

Released in October, 2003, Driven to Action looks at the problem of urban sprawl and outlines ways to stop it...

This David Suzuki Foundation report was released in September 2003. It shows Ontario's dependency on electric power...

Released by the David Suzuki Foundation and the Union of Concerned Scientists in April 2003. It shows climate change will alter the Great Lakes region...

This report outlines the effects of oil and gas drilling on B.C.'s marine ecosystems...
This eight-page document explains the rationale behind the top 10 ways to conserve nature, as outlined in David Suzuki's Nature Challenge...

The Green Guide to David Suzuki's Nature Challenge
This 23-page guide is a comprehensive look at the 10 most effective ways to preserve nature...

Reviews the history of salmon farming in British Columbia and examines the major concerns...
Salmon Farms and Sea Lice
A baseline report of the incidence of sea lice on juvenile salmonids on British Columbia's North Coast...
The Loss of Ancient Red Cedar from Canada's Rainforests...

This report examines the planning and discussion papers, proposals
and legislation that are available regarding the government's plan...

 2002 Reports 
Practical, affordable and achievable solutions...

The failure of voluntary corporate action...

The low-emission path to innovation and efficiency...

The case for immediate ratification and domestic emission reductions...

A transition strategy for Canadian energy workers...

Economic benefits of Canadian Action...

This report shows Ontario can reduce energy waste and generate enough green energy for the province to shut down all five of its polluting coal-fired electricity plants...

Global warming and species loss in globally significant terrestrial ecosystems...

Canada's mixed record on Ozone depletion and climate change...

Clean energy or more pollution...

 2001 Reports 
Science-based management of BC's pine beetle outbreak...
Presented to the House of Commons Finance Committee, this report calls on the federal government to adopt the Kyoto Protocol...
Canada and the Role of Sinks in International Climate Negotiations...

Reveals how Canada's drive to expand energy supplies is damaging the climate...

Increasing energy demand, fueled by population growth, lifestyle and commercial development patterns, is propelling us towards an energy crisis...

Super un-Natural

Atlantic Salmon in B.C. Waters...
Clear Choices, Clean Waters
The Leggatt Inquiry into Salmon farming in British Columbia...

For reports published before 2001, visit the Report Archives.

Reports By Subject

 Solving Global Warming
More Climate Change documents
Climate Leadership, Economic Prosperity 
 Climate change and Canadian mining
Climate Change and Canadian Mining
Opportunities for Adaptation

Climate Offset Guide cover
Purchasing Carbon Offsets
A guide for Canadian Consumers,
Businesses, and Organizations

On Thin Ice
Winter Sports and the Olympics

Protégeons nos hivers
Sommaire exécutif

Doing Business in a New Climate
This new how-to guide helps businesses measure, reduce, and offset their greenhouse gas emissions.

An economic analysis showing that Canada can prosper economically while doing its share to prevent dangerous climate change

Analyse économique démontrant que le Canada peut assurer sa prospérité économique tout en faisant sa part pour prévenir les changements climatiques dangereux

This report compares the effectiveness of two of the most common types of carbon offsets used in the voluntary carbon market.

Most provinces are stepping up with strong targets and policies to reduce greenhouse gases in the absence of federal leadership on climate change...

Dans son nouveau rapport d’évaluation des plans des provinces pour lutter contre les changements climatiques...
Meeting the challenge
A carbon neutral 2010 winter games...
Tomorrow Today (english)
Tomorrow Today
How Canada can make a world of difference.

Hot Properties
Hot Properties
How global warming could transform B.C.'s real estate sector...

All Over the Map (2006)
2006 Status Report of Provincial Climate Change Plans looks at provincial climate change efforts... 

The Case for Deep Reductions:
Canada's role in preventing
Dangerous Climate Change
This joint report from the David Suzuki Foundation and the Pembina Institute shows Canada needs to go far beyond its Kyoto targets...

All Over the Map (2005)
Released on October 3, 2005, this report looks at provincial and territorial action on climate change...

Smart Generation: Powering Ontario with Renewable Energy
Shows how Ontario can immediately develop its abundant renewable sources of energy while creating a new focus on energy conservation and efficiency...

Running On Empty: Shifting to a Sustainable Energy Plan for B.C.
This report from the David Suzuki Foundation and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives warns that British Columbia will face an energy crunch if it doesn't make sweeping changes...

Planning for the Next Generation: Ten Principles for Climate Protection and Innovation

Canada’s emissions are growing faster than any leading industrial country, including the United States...

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: Canada, Kyoto and Developing Countries
This 12-page background paper from the David Suzuki Foundation, World Wildlife Fund Canada and Greenpeace Canada outlines how Canada is trying to weaken the Kyoto Protocol...

Risky Business is a short background paper that describes how Canada is funding a controversial tree plantation in Brazil...
Released in October, 2003, Driven to Action looks at the problem of urban sprawl and outlines ways to stop it...

Bright Future: Avoiding Blackouts in Ontario
This David Suzuki Foundation report was released in September 2003. It shows Ontario's dependency on electric power...

Confronting Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region

Oil and Water Don't Mix: Keeping Canada's West Coast Oil Free

This report outlines the effects of oil and gas drilling on B.C.'s marine ecosystems...

Implementing the Kyoto Protocol: Practical, Affordable and Achievable Solutions
This report was presented by the David Suzuki Foundation to the House of Commons Finance Committee in November 2002...

Released by the David Suzuki Foundation and the Pembina Institute, this study examines the failure of most Canadian businesses...

Kyoto and Beyond: The Low-Emission Path to Innovation and Efficiency
This study from the David Suzuki Foundation and the Climate Action Network of Canada shows that Canada can meet and even exceed the Kyoto Protocol's...

Keeping Canada in Kyoto: The case for immediate ratification and domestic emission reductions
This short analysis and commentary on the Kyoto Protocol was presented to the federal government as part of the National Climate Change Process in June 2002...

Making Kyoto Work: A Transition Strategy for Canadian Energy Workers
This study from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives finds there are tremendous economic opportunities in becoming more energy efficient...

The Bottom Line on Kyoto: Economic Benefits of Canadian Action

The Bottom Line shows energy efficiency innovations, cleaner fuels and other measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions...

Green Power Opportunities for Ontario

This report shows Ontario can reduce energy waste and generate enough green energy for the province to shut down all five of its polluting coal-fired electricity plants...

Habitats at Risk: Global Warming and Species Loss in Globally Significant Terrestrial Ecosystems

This report studies how global warming could affect the planet's "crown jewels" of nature and rates Canada among those most vulnerable...

Up in the Air: Canada's Mixed record on Ozone Depletion and Climate Change

This report is a joint publication that compares Canada's response to ozone depletion and climate change...

British Columbia at the Crossroads: Clean Energy or More Pollution?

This is a submission from the David Suzuki Foundation to the BC Energy Task Force...

Canada - Climate Change and the New Economy

Presented to the House of Commons Finance Committee, this report calls on the federal government to adopt the Kyoto Protocol...

Taking Credit: Canada and the Role of Sinks in International Climate Negotiations

Examines the science and policies surrounding controversial sections of the Kyoto Protocol on global warming that deal with "carbon sinks...

Fueling the Climate Crisis

Reveals how Canada’s drive to expand energy supplies is damaging the climate...

Climate Crisis: Energy Solutions for BC

BC is at a crossroads: Increasing energy demand, fueled by population growth, lifestyle and commercial development patterns, is propelling us towards an energy crisis...

For Climate Change reports published previous to 2001, please see the Publications Archive.

Conserving Our Oceans (for Marine Scene E-newsletter Archives, click here)
Global Assessment of Closed System Aquaculture
As the global demand for seafood increases and ecological constraints put limits on wild fish supplies...
An Upstream Battle
Declines in 10 Pacific Salmon stocks and solutions for their survival...
Returning Salmon
Integrated Planning and the Wild Salmon Policy in B.C.
Marine Protected Areas Report Card Cover
Progress Report Card for Canada on Marine Protected Areas...
Zoned RS-1
Residential Salmon-1 - a bylaw to regulate the preservation, maintenance and repair of salmon residential areas in Everytown...

High and Dry
An investigation of salmon habitat destruction in British Columbia...
Dragging our Assets
Toward an Ecosystem Approach to Bottom Trawling in Canada offers recommendations to reduce the ecological impact of bottom trawling...

This report documents the failure of past and current government policy to protect salmon habitat...

A professional's guide to sustainable seafood documents the current status of many fish and shellfish stocks available in restaurants and supermarkets.
This report investigates the impact of sea lice on wild salmon caused by fish farms...

Taking Stock of British Columbia's Fish Habitat

Our recent investigation of logging practices in the Kalum Forest District has revealed many apparent violations of the Fisheries Act...

DFO Failing to "Conserve and Protect"

A new report commissioned by the David Suzuki Foundation says urgentreform is needed within DFO in order to save Pacific fisheries...

Fish Farms Linked to Sea Lice

A new report, supported by the David Suzuki Foundation, confirms that aB.C. fish farm is responsible for an overwhelming increase in sea lice on wild fish...

This report examines the economic rationale for shifting the environmentally unsustainable open-netcage aquaculture industry towards a more sustainable, closed-tank model....
Recommendations for responsible aquaculture outlines some of the main ecological concerns with shellfish farming on the B.C. coast...
Examines and discounts the key assumptions made by the federal science panel on offshore oil and gas in their submission to the federal government in February, 2003...

Ten Recommendations for Fisheries on the B.C. coast...

Is there a Bottom Line in the Wild Salmon - Farmed Salmon debate?

Reviews the history of salmon farming in British Columbia and examines the major concerns...

Salmon Farms and Sea Lice
A baseline report of the incidence of sea lice on juvenile salmonids on British Columbia's North Coast...

Super un-Natural

Atlantic Salmon in B.C. Waters...
Clear Choices, Clean Waters
The Leggatt Inquiry into Salmon farming in British Columbia...

Investigating the impacts of sea lice from fish farms on wild salmon abundance...

For Marine Conservation reports published previous to 2001, please see the Publications Archive.

 Sustainability Within a Generation

A National Sustainable Development Strategy for Canada
This 32-pagereport outlines a proposal to fulfill Canada's international obligationto develop a comprehensive environment plan...

The Maple Leaf in the OECD
Comparing Progress toward Sustainability...

Sustainability within a Generation: A New Vision for Canada
This 52-page report outlines how Canada can become a world leader in sustainability by the year 2030...

Fostering a Sustainable Canada

This 36-page document was presented to Canada's Standing Committee on Finance in November 2004...

For Sustainability reports published previous to 2001, please see the Publications Archive.

Protecting Human Health
The Water We Drink

An International Comparison of Drinking Water Quality Standards and Guidelines...

Fireproof Whales and Contaminated Mother's Milk

The inadequacy of Canada's Proposed PBDE Regulations...

The Food We Eat

An International Comparison of Pesticide Regulations...

The Air We Breathe

An International Comparison of Drinking Air Quality Standards and Guidelines...

Radon: The Unfamiliar Killer

Outlines a Series of Canadian Guidelines that can reduce the negative health risks associated with Radon...

Pesticide Use in Canada

Reviews the 61 pesticides that are banned in other industrialized countries but still widely used in Canada...
 Northern Exposure
Northern Exposure

Acute Pesticide Poisoning in Canada...
Prescription for a Healthy Canada
This report calls on the federal government, in collaboration with the provinces and territories, to adopt a national environmental health strategy for Canada...

Pesticide Free? Oui!
How Quebec's cosmetic pesticide ban - Canada's first--can be improved and used as a model for other provinces.

For Health reports published previous to 2001, please see the Publications Archive.

Building a Sustainable Economy

Switch Green

This 38-page report explains how the government could reduce energy consumption by offering consumer rebates...

Drive Green: Company Car Tax Shift

This 24-page proposal shows how Canada can reduce greenhouse gas emissions...

Forever Farmland

Reshaping the Agricultural Land Reserve for the 21st Century...

Fostering a Sustainable Canada

This 36-page document was presented to Canada's Standing Committee on Finance in November 2004...

For Sustainability reports published previous to 2001, please see the Publications Archive.

Nature and Wildlife
Canada's Polar Bear
Canada's Polar Bear: Falling through the Cracks?
Canada is home to more than half of the world's polar bears. But this iconic species is in danger...

Rich Wildlife Poor Protection

The urgent need for strong legal protection of British Columbia's Biodiversity...

Left Off The List

This report highlights the plight of eight threatened species denied protection under the federal Species At Risk Act (SARA)...

Forever Farmland

Reshaping the Agricultural Land Reserve for the 21st Century... 

Canada's Rainforests: Status Report 2005

The final of three status reports analyzing the scope and type of logging and ecological value of proposed protection in Canada's temperate rainforests....
The Coastal Temperate Rainforests of Canada
The need for ecosystem-based forest management...

Canada's Rainforests: Status Report 2004
This report analyzes current forestry practices and planning in British Columbia's coastal rainforest to determine how they must change...

A Vanishing Heritage
The Loss of Ancient Red Cedar from Canada's Rainforests...

BC Forests 2003
An appraisal of government policies...

Salvaging Solutions
Science-based management of BC's pine beetle outbreak...

Conservation status and threats to species associated with old-growth forests
...within the range of the Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) in British Columbia, Canada. Published in Biodiversity...

For Nature & Wildlife reports published previous to 2001, please see the Publications Archive.

David Suzuki's Nature Challenge

The Nature Challenge Teacher's Guide
A comprehensive resource for grades 4 - 7, packed with 20 unique lesson plans developed in accordance with the B.C. curriculum...

The Science of the Challenge

This eight-page document explains the rationale behind the Top 10 ways to conserve nature, as outlined in David Suzuki's Nature Challenge.
The Green Guide to David Suzuki's Nature Challenge

This 23-page guide is a comprehensive look at the 10 most effective ways to preserve nature...

David Suzuki


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