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Take action where you live

“There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew “ Marshall McLuhan

We only have one planet. We’re all in this togther. And we can’t sit back and wait for those who govern to legislate our way to a healthier, greener future. We need community-based leadership. Let’s make those changes ourselves right now, where we live every day – in our homes, workplaces and communities.

Here’s how you can be part of the solution:

Stay informed
Check our website for news on critical issues and DSF campaigns, as well as links to resources and toolkits. Sign up for our newsletters. Stay on top of what’s going on in your community - talk to your neighbours, municipal representatives and community leaders.

Tell political representatives where you stand
Political leaders earn their postions from votes. They care about public opinon and keep close tabs on issues constituents raise in letters, meetings, phone calls and editorial pages of local papers. You don’t have to be an expert. Your opinion matters. Here’s a contact list and tips on getting in touch with political representatives.

Contact local media
Write a letter to the editor, call a local radio show, pen an op-ed – make your voice heard! Suggest story angles to producers and provide background information. (Don’t forget to commend them for good coverage.) Here’s a contact list and tips for engaging your local media to get you started.

Create change in your community
Urban sprawl is linked to increased air pollution, rising obesity rates and loss of agricultural land. The DSF report Understanding Sprawl outlines ways to stop this problem, and includes the toolkit Driven to Action to help citizens protect their communities from overdevelopment. Invite neighbours and friends to help you effect the changes you want to see.

DSF has offices in Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal and there are Canadians across the country who feel called to volunteer with us. You can also contact your local volunteer centre to check out other organizations working for the environment.

Support the Foundation
Our work towards a healthy environment is only possible with the help of people like you. Give, become a monthly donor, remember us in your will, or donate in honour of friends and family with a gift cards. Learn more about ways to give

Fundraise for DSF
When you  raise funds for the David Suzuki Foundation, you help us find ways for society to live in balance with the natural world that sustains us. Successful past events have included concerts, art shows, auctions, and cycling or walking tours. Use your imagination! 

Additional Resources:
Elizabeth May's How to be an Activist
The Sierra Club's Endangered Species Toolkit and other resources
Natural Resources Canada's Guide to combating vehicle idling

David Suzuki


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