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What we do to nature, we do to ourselves.

Human health and the environment are intimately connected through the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe.

Preventing pollutants and toxics from entering our environment and bodies would have a profound effect on the health of ordinary Canadians.
But international comparisons show Canada falling behind in protecting its citizens from environmental threats to their health.

The David Suzuki Foundation is promoting policies to bring Canadian environmental health standards up to par with the best in the world.

What are the docs talking about this month? Visit our blog on the environment and your health:

Docs Talk

What's New!

Health Report Series

This series of five reports on health and the environment--prepared for the David Suzuki Foundation by environmental lawyer David Boyd-- looks to provide workable solutions to improve Canada's poor environmental health regulations.

The Air We Breathe:
An International Comparison of Air Quality Standards

The Food We Eat:
An International Comparison of Pesticide Regulations

The Water We Drink
: An International Comparison of Drinking Water Quality Standards

Northern Exposure
: Acute Pesticide Poisoning in Canada

Prescription For A Healthy Canada
: Towards A National Health Strategy

Pesticide Free? Oui! examines Quebec's cosmetic pesticide legislation and offers suggestions for its improvement. A must read for provinces developing pesticide legislation to protect health.

David Suzuki


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