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April 7, 2010

Broadcasting Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2009-661 -- Review of Community Television Policy Framework

About the CAB

The Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB) is the national voice of Canada’s private broadcasters, representing the vast majority of Canadian programming services, including private radio and television stations, networks, specialty, pay and pay-per-view services.

We are the voice and choice of Canadians. Private radio and television services enjoy by far the largest share of the market, and Canadian programming broadcast by those services attracts the predominant share of the total audience for Canadian content.

The goal of the CAB is to represent and advance the interests of Canada’s private broadcasters in the social, cultural and economic fabric of the country.

To serve as the eyes and ears of the private broadcasting community, to advocate and lobby on its behalf and to act as a central point of action on matters of joint interest.


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