Pitch a Show to CBC Radio


Pitching to CBC Radio

Welcome to the CBC Radio Program Development website.

You will find everything you need here to write a proposal for a new radio program. There are pitch guides tailored to different types of show, a list of criteria and a place to send your questions. We are looking specifically for ideas for new programs...style and content that we don’t already have on CBC Radio. We are looking for freshness and the potential for radio magic. Over the past several years we have developed some wonderful new programs. Now with this website, we hope to make it easier for freelancers and non-CBC employees to pitch new program ideas to us.

Once you have submitted your program proposal it will be reviewed by one of our Program Development teams, each composed of CBC employees from a variety of programming areas. You can expect to hear back from a team member once the proposal has been discussed, usually within 6-8 weeks.

We look forward to your new program proposals.

Chris Boyce
Programming Director
CBC Radio