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  1. @pankaj this is another reply to your tweet pankaj... happy hacking
  2. @sprague Cool. brings back good memories. Hope you guys had a stimulating conversation...
  3. Twitter has a similar perk :) Google Is Now Providing Servants to Its Employees via @gawker
  4. hacking away. beautiful. I feel like I am on a vacatoin except the airport, driving, hotel and the other crummy touristy stuff...
  5. @MikeGascoyne this is the power of twitter, am getting real time updates from the paddock!! Thanks Mike
  6. Google let me down today, no map tiles in SF with 4 3G bars. Had to walk an unknown block with giants fans goin nuts around me
  7. @jigsaw11sports Hamilton baby!!
  8. @kedar_doshi Kaye mhantos?
  9. @sprague we should meet up. I am in palo alto this weekend...
  10. Do sliders feel bad when you switch bites?
  11. @serenawilliams ?? Context pleaz
  12. @hnshah so true. All the bullies I know from school are "struggling". Wish they had spent their bullying time in something more productive..
  13. Small everything is cute... Babies, pups, cubs ... And sliders!
  14. @ej agile? :-)
  15. Not sure if I should be excited but Eric Schmidt just walked by on university ave! #geekornot