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  1. @AMc, coooonnngrats!
  2. And I'm downtown! Sick an sleeping all day yesterday. Good to finally be on my feet (foot).
  3. @neongolden, oh no! Another flight booked?
  4. @vero @preppeller, yeah. I'll be downtown in about 2 hours.
  5. @pt, for sure!
  6. @alfredapp, absolutely! I'd love to.
  7. Austin bound. (@ San Francisco International Airport (SFO) w/ 53 others)
  8. @edwardaten, I know, I know =)
  9. Holy shit! Grilled Mac n' Cheese! (@ Bender's Bar & Grill w/ 3 others) [pic]:
  10. Omnifocus and Foursquare keep vying for first class citizenship on my iPhone bar. What's wrong with this picture?
  11. @joehewitt, same boat. Also,
  12. @joemccann, filed under "bad boy-scout merit badge ideas".
  13. @bhaggs, handshaking a fist bump. Sloppily.
  14. @delbius, don't forget your ______.
  15. @SamBensalem, you obviously don't have the right iPad apps. =)
  16. @orph, like, fur sure!
  17. @orph, there now? I get in on Sat. eve.