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  1. Just discovered "Forever" & "Node MySql" - they totally worked! Neat.
  2. @danwrong i think i was better off just ignoring it for several months and jumping in at a good spot.
  3. @fat I was born a quesadilla. whatever that means.
  4. @Kambfhase upgrade to the latest. we fixed that. there's also a test for it.
  5. Know your FACTS about HTML5 AppCache! Research from @ded & @shinypb
  6. @adamroderick
  7. @lazycoder Web Software (JavaScript, HTML5)
  8. @getify it's nothing to do with LAB. We'll have architecture changes (to module loading) and our bundles will load async anyway.
  9. @nimbuin @drewm ok. biggest in non-first world countries.
  10. @drewm hahahaha! that's probably a solid 1 line change.
  11. @getify we've got some other caching stuffs we're working on and we're closing in on porting to a different dep manager. good stuff ahead :)
  12. @getify perf perf perf. gotta make #NewTwitter faster before we pull the plug
  13. So XCode is not free. Fine, I'll pay $4.99. Sorry, to download XCode you need new AppStore. To get that, you need to upgrade to OS10.6! Bah!
  14. @unscriptable @tobie @danwrong @getify @jrburke lol. that would be fun... if it weren't 2 weeks before my new child expected due date :/
  15. @tobie @danwrong @unscriptable oh happy unions.
  16. Really loving @Github's service hook to Twitter. Simple & great reference for the work done each day.
  17. @souders actually these days i wouldn't know if my site was down since it's AppCached :)
  18. @dalmaer you saw Dan's LoadRunner, right? looks much like curl.
  19. @z latest version?