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  1. dreamt that someone harassed me for wearing the same jeans every day. So many imaginary haters out there.
  2. @manojalpa I do like fuzzy feelings....... can I work remotely? I'm on vacation in late Dec
  3. @sandofsky hm tough choice. we were still undecided when I woke up
  4. @DanaDanger sweet. Make room for us front-end druid/dryad/gnome types :)
  5. @truebe yeah, I was pretty spooked about the oauth myself
  6. @CapnWiley no, @lifeonmyside didn't want to bring us interview resumes in the forest
  7. @danwrong I do prefer those options to the 3rd floor :P
  8. last night I dreamt that @webclient had to move out of the war room. Our choices were an underwater library or the forest of OAuth.
  9. @eladgil you are the king of meta-jokes
  10. @manojalpa DUDE did not see your chat until now, and YES i luv tea
  11. being the responsible one is never fun
  12. spilled A LOT of milk. made A LOT of crying jokes.
  13. @bs wish you were here. I have centipede-related chitchat to make with you
  14. @Magnuson oh no Charles, I really feel for you. Hang in there
  15. @shinyplasticbag welcome to the black hole affectionately name "Twoffice"
  16. @erin agreed. I love the idea of onemedicalgroup, but I'm just not sick enough
  17. current tracker velocity: 0... WHY AM I WORK? #waiw cc/ @ded
  18. give me seedless or give me death !