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  1. @derekwillis mostly just pulled in your code and fixed some tests- great work!
  2. @julesdwit yes. not surprising necessarily, but it's good not to kid ourselves.
  3. @dsa so sad...
  4. @kneath hmmmm... Which seat can I take?
  5. @kneath what comes after Thursday again?
  6. @julesdwit yep.
  7. @orph thinking about going to this: I pinged @lewing as well
  8. @sm considering going back in time to prevent myself ever having gotten on that plane
  9. @sm everything I have foretold has eventually come to pass: PS PM i miss u 2
  10. @SG @omid promoted tweet?
  11. @jomc will do! Maybe we can talk about THE FUTURE
  12. @melissagira @jomc was fantastic meeting you two the other night, by the by! #analogtwitter
  13. @boblord @netik @jmhodges @ay @cooperb @shinypb @jj @j4cob Hear, hear! Fantastic work, gents. This cafe feels safer already.
  14. @paulsupple nice to meet you last night!
  15. @johannakoll great meeting you, too!