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  1. @_danielw Like I said, Twitter should be better at helping me with this. I should be able to follow any number of peeps without a problem.
  2. @_danielw It's not that it's noise, it's when I see whole blocks of tweets between the two of you that I feel overwhelmed.
  3. @twittershoutout @kmx +1 to Kyle!
  4. No hard feelings @_danielw and @_horchata, but I had to unfollow you guys. Too many Tweets! (Also, we should fix this in the service...)
  5. @pandemona Woo woooooo!
  6. @smileyj68 File a ticket and forward it to me, yo :). I can try to escalate them every now and then.
  7. @joeypfeifer @mantia I'm out guys—early lunch here and a long afternoon of Hackweek presos starting at 1pm :).
  8. #DressLikeFlo seems interesting, but lacking in pictures. Not any more!
  9. @flyosity Uhh... no?
  10. .@michibusch: Search Team PM (Pastry Manager)
  11. @alan UNFOLLOW.
  12. Having a face that's completely numb on the left side sucks on a day when we have steak and potatoes for lunch. Thaw, face, thaw!
  13. My biggest and nearly only gripe with @rdio is how slow it's iPhone app is. Drives me insane when it sits there spinning for no good reason.
  14. @amanda_turnbull Insides schminsides.
  15. Adding lots of creamer and sugar to a hot cup of coffee means you can down it rather quickly. Chugging a cup a minute here, folks.
  16. Muting email in Gmail is the best thing in the whole world. If only I could take off my email off the thread so that mute *always* worked...
  17. @mccv :) Busy cranking on the awesomeness for Hackweek. What thread is it? I've been muting and ignoring a lot of email this week :D.