Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Working together to keep food safe

Your role in food safety

Consumers play an important role in food safety in the home. [learn more about your role...]

washing produce

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Learn about Government's role in food safety

The CFIA, along with many federal, provincial/territorial and municipal organizations, works to help keep your food safe. [learn more about the government's role...]

lab testing

More information for consumers...

  • About the CFIA
  • Corporate Video (pop up window)
  • International standards
  • Prosecution bulletins
  • Restaurant and food service inspection
  • Working with our partners

Learn about Industry's role in food safety

Industry follows strict rules for handling, manufacturing and processing food. If there is a food safety incident, they work with government and others to make sure that any unsafe foods are quickly removed from the marketplace. [learn more about the food industry's role...]

line watching

More information for consumers...