Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Reportable Diseases, Immediately Notifiable and Annually Notifiable Diseases

A guide for the agri-food community and laboratories

To prevent the transmission of animal diseases in Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) must be notified of the introduction or presence of certain animal diseases in the domestic population, as outlined in the Health of Animals Act and Regulations.

Reportable diseases

These diseases are outlined in the Health of Animals Act and Regulations and are usually of significant importance to human or animal health or to the Canadian economy. Animal owners, veterinarians and laboratories are required to immediately report the presence of an animal that is contaminated or suspected of being contaminated with one of these diseases to a CFIA district veterinarian. Control or eradication measures will be applied immediately.

Immediately notifiable diseases (for laboratories only)

In general, immediately notifiable diseases are diseases exotic to Canada for which there are no control or eradication programs.

The CFIA can undertake control measures for such diseases when notified of their presence in Canada. This category also includes some rare indigenous diseases. A herd or flock of origin must be certified as being free from these diseases in order to meet import requirements of trading partners.

Only laboratories are required to contact the CFIA regarding the suspicion or diagnosis of one of these diseases. Information must be forwarded by e-mail to the Epidemiology and Surveillance Section.
Fax: 450-768-0064 (attention: notification)

Annually notifiable diseases (for laboratories only)

Annually notifiable diseases are diseases for which Canada must submit an annual report to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) indicating their presence within Canada. In general, they are diseases that are present in Canada, but are not classified as reportable or immediately notifiable.

All veterinary laboratories are required to comment on Canada's report to the OIE, which is prepared each February by the CFIA's Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit.

For more information, you can visit the CFIA Website at, or contact the nearest CFIA district veterinarian using the listing in the blue pages of your local telephone directory. You can also submit a question or comment by e-mail to the Epidemiology and Surveillance Section.

Importation of animal pathogens

The importation and use of animal and zoonotic pathogens is regulated by the Health of Animals Act and Regulations. Facilities working with animal or zoonotic pathogens must comply with the "Containment Standards for Veterinary Facilities". This can be found at:

Reportable diseases

Immediately notifiable diseases

  • Aino virus infection
  • Akabane disease
  • Avian chlamydiosis (C. pscittaci)*
  • Avian encephalomyelitis*
  • Avian infectious laryngotracheitis*
  • Besnoitiosis
  • Bluetongue (types 2,10,11,13 and 17)
  • Borna disease
  • Bovine babesiosis (B. bovis)
  • Bovine ephemeral fever
  • Bovine petechial fever
  • Contagious agalactia
  • Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia
  • Dourine
  • Duck hepatitis
  • Egg drop syndrome (adenovirus)
  • Enterovirus encephalomyelitis (Teschen disease)
  • Epizootic haemorrhagic disease
  • Epizootic lymphangitis
  • Equine encephalomyelitis, western and eastern*
  • Fluvinate-resistant Varroa mite
  • Fowl cholera*
  • Glanders
  • Goose parvovirus infection (Derzsy's disease)
  • Heartwater (cowdriosis)
  • Hendra Virus
  • Herpes virus of cervidae
  • Ibaraki disease
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • Louping ill
  • Nairobi sheep disease
  • Nipah virus
  • Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax and Chrysomyia bezziana)
  • Small hive beetle (Aethina tumida)
  • Theileriasis
  • Tick-borne fever (Cytoecetes phagocytophilia)
  • Tissue worm (Elaphostrongylus cervi)
  • Trypanosomiasis (exotic to Canada)
  • Turkey viral rhinotracheitis or swollen head disease in chickens
  • Viral haemorrhagic disease of rabbits
  • Wesselsbron's disease
  • West Nile fever*

* Indigenous diseases tracked for export certification

Annually notifiable diseases

  • Acarine disease
  • Actinomycosis
  • American foul brood
  • Atrophic rhinitis
  • Avian infectious bronchitis
  • Avian leukosis
  • Avian salmonellosis
  • Avian spirochaetosis
  • Avian tuberculosis
  • Blackleg
  • Botulism
  • Bovine genital campylobacteriosis
  • Bovine malignant catarrhal fever
  • Bovine viral diarrhoea or mucosal disease
  • Caprine arthritis-encephalitis
  • Caseous lymphadenitis
  • Coccidiosis
  • Contagious ophthalmia
  • Contagious pustular dermatitis
  • Dermatophilosis
  • Distomatosis (liver fluke)
  • Duck virus enteritis
  • Echinococcosis or hydatidosis
  • Enterotoxaemia
  • Enzootic abortion
  • Enzootic bovine leucosis
  • Equine coital exanthema
  • Equine influenza
  • Equine rhinopneumonitis
  • European foul brood
  • Filariasis
  • Foot-rot
  • Fowl pox
  • Haemorrhagic septicemia
  • Horse mange (Psoroptes equi)
  • Equine viral arteritis
  • Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR or IPV)
  • Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro disease)
  • Infectious coryza
  • Intestinal salmonella infections
  • Listeriosis
  • Maedi-visna
  • Marek's disease
  • Melioidosis
  • Avian mycoplasmosis (M. gallisepticum)
  • Myxomatosis
  • Nosematosis of bees
  • Other clostridial infections
  • Other pasteurelloses
  • Ovine epididymitis (Brucella ovis)
  • Ovine pulmonary adenomatosis
  • Paratuberculosis (Johne's disease)
  • Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS)
  • Q fever
  • Salmonella abortus ovis
  • Salmonella abortus equi
  • Sheep mange (scab)
  • Strangles
  • Swine erysipelas
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE)
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Tularaemia
  • Ulcerative lymphangitis
  • Vibrionic dysentery
  • Warble infestation

Import permits and facility certification can be obtained from the Biohazard Containment and Safety Division of the Laboratories Directorate of the CFIA. For more information please contact:

Biohazard Containment and Safety Division
1400 Merivale Road
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0Y9
Tel: 613-773-6520
Fax: 613-773-6521
