Health Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
Health Concerns

Information Update: No radiation at harmful levels reached Canada

Given that radioactivity levels across Canada continue to be within normal background levels and that there is no cause for concern, on Thursday, August 11, 2011 Health Canada removed nine supplementary fixed point detectors that were installed in British Columbia and the Yukon in response to the Fukushima nuclear incident. In addition, on September 15, 2011, Health Canada will end its weekly data postings, resuming its previous schedule of quarterly postings of the fixed point network data and terminating website Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) data reporting. Please note that Health Canada will maintain its continuous monitoring of radiation levels and daily review of data. Should there be changes in the situation in Japan, the reporting frequency of radiation data will be re-assessed.

The following text provides a summary of the monitoring and assessment undertaken by Health Canada in response to this event.

The damaged nuclear power reactors in Japan do not pose a health risk to residents of British Columbia or the rest of Canada. Given the thousands of kilometers between Japan and Canada's west coast, any radioactive material that might have been carried eastward via wind currents was dispersed and diluted over the ocean long before it reached Canada.

Health Canada has monitoring stations across the country in strategic locations and major population centres and will continue its regular radiation surveillance and monitoring activities.

Measuring Radiation Levels in Canada

Radiation Exposure

Additional Resources

For information on the overall Government of Canada response visit the Next link will take you to another Web site Public Safety Canada website.

For more information, contact us or call 1-800 O-Canada.