Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Procedures for Imported Vehicules and Equipment from Countries Infected with Foot and Mouth Disease


(These procedures are in addition to any procedures outlined in Plant Protection Directive D-95-26 - Phytosanitary Requirements for Soil and Related Matter)

Personal Vehicles


  1. No restrictions


  1. From a Metropolitan Location and going to a Metropolitan Location with no evidence of soil or organic matter debris - No Action.
  2. From a Metropolitan Location and going to a Metropolitan Location with evidence of soil or organic matter debris - Standard high pressure wash but must include soap or a detergent.
  3. From a Rural Location and going to a Rural Location with no evidence of soil or organic material - Standard high pressure wash with hot water and must include soap or a detergent.
  4. From a Rural Location and going to a Rural Location with evidence of soil or organic material - High pressure wash with hot water and must include soap or a detergent. The wheels, wheel wells and under carriage where debris is identified should have an application of acid solution (Citric Acid, Acetic Acid, Lactic Acid) or an effective disinfectant (Virkon, Germkill) following the wash.

Farm Vehicules, Implements or Equipment


  1. New farm vehicles, implements and equipment will be accepted from FMD-infected countries provided a notarized document from the exporter accompanies the shipment and states that the items are newly manufactured and have been packaged for shipment clean and free from soil and organic material. The packing material cannot include hay, straw or grasses. Shipments will be subject to inspection for verification that conditions have been met. Following this verification, shipments may proceed directly to the distributors.


  1. Arriving free of detectable soil or organic material - High pressure wash with hot water including soap or a detergent. Small tools, (e.g. shovel): hot water wash which includes soap or a detergent.
  2. Arriving with evidence of soil or organic material - High pressure wash with hot water and must include soap or a detergent. Areas where debris is identified should have an application of acid solution (Citric Acid, Acetic Acid, Lactic Acid) or an effective disinfectant (Virkon or Germkill) following the wash.


  1. Citric Acid - 28.5 g/13.5 L (1 oz/3 gallons) (a 1.2% solution), made fresh is suitable for personal and protective clothing disinfection, personnel disinfection, use in power sprayers or steam cleaners, and combined with a suitable detergent (non-ionic or cationic detergent for general cleaning). Is non-corrosive, safe to use on paint, metal, wood, skin, concrete and textiles. It should not be used with soaps, alkalis, washing soda, ionic type detergents or alkaline water softeners.
  2. Acetic Acid - a 2% solution - mildly corrosive for metal objects and may leave a slight stickiness on rubber objects unless it is washed well with water, has poor penetration so the surface being disinfected must be relatively impervious and the virus is not buried in organic debris.

    Note: vinegar is a 4-5% solution of acetic acid; acetic acid may be purchased as glacial acetic acid 99.5% and diluted to 2%.
  3. Sulphamic Acid - 28.5 g/13.5 L (1 oz/3 gallons) - safe for metals, paints, rubber and plastic if rinsed after 5 minutes.
  4. Virkon© (powder) - 2% solution - an oxidizing agent and an excellent disinfectant active against all virus families, recommended dilution rate is 20 gms per litre of water with a contact time of 10 minutes.
  5. Germ Kill® - 1:100 - 200 dilution -iodophor disinfectant, for use on buildings, equipment, vehicles and animal pens, corrosive and may require rinsing following use.

    (Shur Gain product, others acidic iodophors may be available)

Alternative disinfectants may be used. Please consult with AERT C&D specialists for advice.

Animal Health and Production Division
Animal Products Directorate
October 21, 2005