Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Aquatic Animal Health Export Program

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is responsible for certifying exports of aquatic animals. The export section of the National Aquatic Animal Health Program:

  • maintains access for existing aquatic animals and seafood markets where there are requirements for aquatic animal health, and
  • secures entry to new markets by negotiating practical, cost-effective and science-based export conditions

Export certification under the NAAHP is distinct from the food safety export program run by the CFIA's Fish Seafood and Production Division, which addresses consumer safety rather than animal health.

The National Aquatic Animal Health Program facilitates Canadian export activities related to aquatic animal health. It will do this through its inspection and certification programs that are designed to meet the requirements of other countries, using science-based principles and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) standards.

The World Trade Organisation recognizes the OIE as the standard setting authority for aquatic animal health. Meeting OIE standards is necessary to address trading partner audits in an efficient and transparent manner. This information is outlined in the World Trade Organization Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures.

Negotiation of import requirements for Canadian products is an important task for the CFIA. With support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, the Agency establishes import requirements with trading partners, aiming to set practical, cost-effective and science-based import conditions. In meeting these conditions, Fisheries and Oceans Canada plays a key role in providing health testing consistent with international standards that may be required by Canadian exporters.

The CFIA serves as a resource to exporters and industry by providing clarification of import requirements of other countries, as well as certification procedures. For information regarding the export program and general inquiries about exporting aquatic animals and their products please contact:

  • Atlantic Area: 506-851-7651
  • Quebec Area: 514-283-8888
  • Ontario Area: 519-837-9400
  • Western Area: 403-292-4301

Information the CFIA provides for the aquatic animal industry