Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Animal Welfare in Canada

Canada's "Farm Animal Welfare Infrastructure" is a network of responsible organizations within Canada to address animal welfare issues. The broad spectrum of farm animal welfare issues includes intensive livestock farming practices, humane transportation, humane slaughter, biotechnology, and others.

A Summary of Canada's Legislative and Voluntary Animal Welfare Standards

A. Humane Transportation of All Animals in Canada

Name of Act: Health of Animals Act (Federal)

The Health of Animals Regulations Part XII defines conditions for the humane transportation of all animals in Canada by all modes of transport. These Regulations:

  • prohibit overcrowding, transportation of incompatible animals in the same stall, transportation of animals unfit to travel; and
  • specify appropriate conditions for loading and unloading of animals, adequate feeding and watering regimes, maximum transit times, minimum rest periods, bedding requirements and states that animals that become compromised while in transit must not be transported beyond the closest area where they can receive proper medical care.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency enforces the regulations through routine inspections, unannounced site inspections and response to reports of non-compliance.

B. Humane Handling and Slaughter of Food Animals

Name of Act: Meat Inspection Act (Federal)

Sections 61 to 80 of the Meat Inspection Regulations set standards for the humane handling and slaughter of food animals in federally inspected slaughter facilities. Canadian Food Inspection Agency inspectors stationed at every federally registered slaughter establishment monitor the handling and slaughter of food animals.

C. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Name of Act: Criminal Code of Canada (Federal)

Section 446 of the federal Criminal Code prohibits anyone from wilfully causing animals to suffer from neglect, pain, or injury. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or police officers investigate complaints of noncompliance.

D. Provincial Legislation on Animal Welfare

Each province has legislation concerning animal welfare. Provincial legislation and regulations tend to be general in scope, covering a wide range of animal welfare interests. Some provinces have regulations governing specific aspects or pertaining to certain species.

E. Recommended Codes of Practice for the Care and Handling of Farm Animals

Recommendations for farm animal welfare are contained in the National Recommended Codes of Practice for the Care and Handling of Farm Animals. The development of these codes was originally coordinated by the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies and prior to 1995 they were published by Agriculture Canada. From 1995 to 2004 the codes were coordinated and published by the Canadian Agri-Food Research Council (disbanded in 2006). In 2006 the National Farm Animal Care Council took on the responsibility for the codes. The codes are reviewed by committees of producers, veterinarians, transporters, researchers, processors, government regulators, and representatives of animal care and welfare organizations. The codes provide humane care and handling standards for farm animals during all life stages, from the place of origin through to slaughter.

Recommended codes of practice have been produced for pullets, layers, and spent fowl, chickens, turkeys and breeders, ranched mink, ranched fox, dairy cattle, beef cattle, pigs, sheep, farmed deer, veal calves, goat, bison, and horses.

F. Non-Government Animal Welfare Organizations

Additionally, a number of Canadian non-government organizations have animal welfare mandates and assume responsibility for various aspects of animal welfare. The roles of the principal groups are described below.

The National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) was established in 2005. Membership in NFACC comprises representatives from 11 stakeholder categories, namely: (1) national commodity groups, (2) the retail/distribution sector, (3) the restaurant and food services sector, (4) the processing sector, (5) the provincial farm animal councils, (6) the transportation and handling sector, (7) the veterinary profession, (8) the animal welfare research and academic community, (9) federal and provincial governments, (10) the humane organization sector, and (11) general farm organisations. NFACC's objectives are a) to facilitate collaboration among all members with respect to farm animal care issues, b) to facilitate information sharing and communication, and c) to monitor trends and initiatives in both the domestic and international marketplace. NFACC has put in place a Guideline for Codes of Practice and has revised the Code Development Process. The Code Development process now includes a Scientists' Committee to review the existing science around animal care issues, and develop recommendations. The Code Development Committee will be responsible for drafting the Code by utilizing the recommendations from the Scientists' committee and following the Code Guideline document.

Canadian Federation of Humane Societies

The Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, a registered charity, is a national organization representing and speaking on animal welfare issues on behalf of more than one hundred provincial and local humane societies, Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and branches, and their more than four hundred thousand members. The Canadian Federation of Humane Societies works with governments, industry, animal rights groups, and the public to improve conditions for all animals including livestock, wildlife, research animals, and pets.

The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association has identified animal welfare as one of its three top priorities. The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Animal Welfare Committee addresses a wide range of issues relating to animal welfare and veterinary involvement. The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association has produced a series of animal welfare position statements (e.g. non-ambulatory animals, euthanasia, electro-immobilization), as well as general position statements (e.g. dentistry on animals, biologics, microchip implants) on a number of current issues.

Canadian Council on Animal Care

The Canadian Council on Animal Care is the national organization responsible for overseeing the care and use of animals involved in Canadian science. The Canadian Council on Animal Care sets and maintains science-based standards for the physical and psychological well-being of these animals. The Canadian Council on Animal Care conducts assessments of institutions using animals for research, teaching, and testing at least every three years, with follow-up visits where necessary. Institutions assessed by the Canadian Council on Animal Care and found to be in compliance with Canadian Council on Animal Care guidelines and practices are awarded a Certificate of Good Animal Practice. This certificate provides clear evidence that an institution meets the recognized standard for animals used in research, teaching, and testing whether they be laboratory animals, farm animals or wildlife.

Farm Animal Care

In the provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia farm animal industry-driven organizations promote responsible humane animal care within their animal agriculture and food industries. One of their activities is to provide peer counselling to fellow producers and to report serious cases of neglect or abuse to the appropriate authorities such as the Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. As information and education providers, and through other proactive efforts, they bring about changes to legislation and practices relating to farm animal treatment. Farm animal care groups are also involved in the support and initiation of farm animal welfare research.

Ontario Humane Transportation Working Group

The Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the Ontario Farm Animal Council a producer organization, a livestock trucking company, and a meat processing company form this working committee. Its objectives are to identify and to work cooperatively in addressing issues pertaining to humane transportation of farmed animals.

Canadian Farm Animal Care Trust

This organization is committed to the development of humane rearing and slaughtering practices of farm animals used for human consumption, and to the education of the Canadian public relative to current and alternative farm animal production systems.

Animal Livestock Protection System

This recently formed group coordinates the activities of the Alberta Farm Animal Care Association, the Alberta Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and the Alberta Ministry of Agriculture to ensure the humane treatment of animals. The Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are considered the enforcement arm of Animal Livestock Protection System.

The Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada

The objectives of this organization are a) to promote education and research into specific animal welfare problems, b) to prevent cruelty to and encourage consideration for all animals, c) to encourage and assist in enforcement of all laws enacted for the protection of animals, d) to support in general the objectives of provincial humane societies, and e) to assist in the establishment, development, and support of any organization with objectives similar or complementary to the aforesaid.

Research and Educational Institutions

The University of Guelph, the University of British Columbia, and the University of Prince Edward Island have Animal Welfare Centres/Programs. These centres carry out research and education related to animal welfare, train graduate students in the conduct of animal welfare research, and provide advice and intellectual leadership on current issues to animal users and the public.

Canadian Legislation Concerning Farm Animal Welfare


Act/Regulations Scope Enforced By
- Health of Animals Act
- Health of Animals Regulations
Protects all animals from undue suffering during transport and loading. CFIA inspectors
Designated provincial authorities:
- British Columbia SPCA
- BC Minister of transport
Police Officers
- Meat Inspection Act
- Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990
Protects food animals during handling and slaughter in federally registered slaughter establishments. CFIA inspectors
Police Officers
- Criminal Code of Canada Prohibits cruelty to animals that is willful or without lawful excuse. Police Officers
Certain Quebec SPCA (Societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals)


Act/Regulations Scope Enforced By
- Animal Protection Act Protects all animals, excluding human beings during any activity excluding generally accepted practices of animal management, husbandry and slaughter. Police Officers
Alberta SPCA
- Livestock and Livestock Products Act Protects horses, cattle, sheep, swine, goats, furbearing captive animals, game-production animals and live poultry and bees during transport. Inspectors designated by the Ministry of Agriculture
Alberta SPCA
Police Officers
- Meat Inspection Act
- Meat Inspection Regulation
Protects any animal, including birds for which the meat is intended for human consumption from undue suffering during slaughter. Inspectors designated by the Ministry of Agriculture
Police Officers
- Livestock Industry Diversification Act
- Livestock Industry Diversification (Ministerial Regulation)
Provides standards of care and slaughter for game animals and standards for velvet antler removal. Inspectors designated by the Ministry of Agriculture

British Columbia

Act/Regulations Scope Enforced By
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act Protects all animals, excluding wild animals, from distress during any activity excluding generally accepted practices of animal management. British Columbia SPCA
Police Officers
- Milk Industry Act/Milk Industry Standards Regulation Protects dairy cattle during handling and milking. Inspectors designated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
- Agricultural Produce Grading Act/Hatchery Regulations Ensures adequate housing of poultry. Inspectors designated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
- Food Safety Act
- Meat Inspection Regulations
Allow cattle, horse, sheep, swine, goat, domestic rabbit, poultry, deer, reindeer, moose, elk and bison to be humanely slaughtered. Administered by the Ministry of Health Living and Sport


Act/Regulations Scope Enforced By
- Animal Care Act
- Animal Care Regulation - PDF (126 kb)
Protect any animal, excluding humans, from suffering during all activities including transport, excluding generally accepted practices. Office of the Chief Veterinarian
Special Animal Protection Officers
Uniformed Police

New Brunswick

Act/Regulations Scope Enforced By
- Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulation
Protect any animal during any activity including general care, during medical treatment and slaughter. SPCA Animal Protection Officers
Police Officers
- Poultry Health Protection Act
- Hatchery Licensing and Hatchery Supply Flock Policy Regulation
Provides protection for chicks during housing. Inspectors designated by the Minister of Agriculture

Newfoundland and Labrador

Act/Regulations Scope Enforced By
- Animal Protection Act Protects all non-human vertebrates from distress and cruelty during any activities. Police Officers, provincial veterinary staff and Newfoundland SPCA
- Meat Inspection Act Protects domestic animals, including birds, that are intended for human consumption during holding, transfer and slaughter. Ministry responsible for Agriculture

Nova Scotia

Act/Regulations Scope Enforced By
- Animal Health and Protection Act Deals with the destruction of diseased animals, quarantine, vaccination, and testing. Inspectors designated by the Ministry of Agriculture
- Animal Protection Act Protect non-human vertebrates during any activity excluding generally accepted practices of animal management husbandry or slaughter. Nova Scotia SPCA
Department of Agriculture
Police Officers
- Meat Inspection Act/Regulations Respecting Slaughter Protects any domestic animal for which its meat is intended for human consumption during slaughter. Inspectors designated by the Ministry of Agriculture
- Baby Chick Protection Act Prohibits the display or sale of artificially coloured living chickens. Department of Agriculture

Northwest Territories

Act/Regulations Scope Enforced By
- Herd and Fencing Act - PDF (34 kb) Protect horses, cattle, sheep, swine and goats during housing (fencing) and from cruelty in general. Officers appointed by the Commissioner


Act/Regulations Scope Enforced By
- Herd and Fencing Act Protect horses, cattle, sheep, swine and goats during housing (fencing) and from cruelty in general. Officers appointed by the Commissioner


Act/Regulations Scope Enforced By
- Animals for Research Act and Regulations
- General Regulation
- Pounds Regulation
- Research Facility Regulation
- Transportation Regulation
Protects animals used in research, teaching, testing, animals at supply facilities for research, and regulates municipal pounds. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
- Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001
- Disposal of deadstock regulation
- Meat Inspection Regulation
Requires the humane destruction of fallen animals. Prohibits the movement of fallen animals.
Applies to all livestock including poultry.
Protects domestic animals, including poultry, that are destined for human consumption during slaughter.
Inspectors as appointed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
- Livestock Community Sales Act
- Livestock Community Sales Regulation
Protects cattle, goats, horses, sheep and swine health safety during sale.
Provides for the euthanasia of compromised animals at auction.
Inspectors as appointed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
- Racing Commission Act
- Rules of Racing (use of whip, drugs, cruelty to race horses)
Governs the horse racing industry including the treatment of the animals involved. Racing Commission
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- General Regulation
- Standard of Care Regulation
- Hunting exemption Regulation
Protects animals, including domestic fowl, from distress during any activity.
Establishes standards of care for animals.
Ontario SPCA
Police Officers

Prince Edward Island

Act/Regulations Scope Enforced By
- Animal Health and Protection Act - PDF (117 kb)
- Animal Protection Regulations - PDF (249 kb)
Protects all animals from distress during any activity. Inspectors appointed by the Ministry of Agriculture
- Dairy Industry Act/Dairy Industry Regulations - PDF (295 kb) Protects dairy cattle during care and handling. Inspectors appointed by the Minister of Agriculture


Act/Regulations Scope Enforced By
- Animal Health Protection Act (the section on animal safety and welfare is not in force for farm animals) Protects all animals designated by the Regulation, other than those covered by the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife. Agriculture, teaching and research are permitted, as long as generally accepted agricultural practices are followed. Inspectors and veterinarians appointed by the Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ)
- Food Products Act
- Regulation respecting food
Provides standards relating to the transport, holding and slaughter of animals as well as facility sanitation. Inspectors and veterinarians appointed by the Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ)
- Animal Health Protection Act
- Regulation respecting the sale of livestock by auction
Protects farm animals subject to auction. Inspectors and veterinarians appointed by the Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ)
- Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife
- Regulation respecting animals in captivity
Protects all animals (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians) kept in captivity that reproduce in the wild in Quebec or elsewhere. Wildlife protection officers of the Quebec Department of Natural Resources and Wildlife (MRNF)


Act/Regulations Scope Enforced By
- Animal Protection Act - PDF (113 kb) Protects all animals including birds, fish and reptiles during any activity excluding generally accepted agricultural practices. Police Officers
Saskatchewan SPCA
- Animal Products Act
- Livestock Dealer Regulations
Protects cattle, horses, bison, sheep, goat and swine in housing and holding. Minister of Agriculture and appointed inspectors
- Animal Products Act
- Livestock Inspection and Transportation Regulations
Protects livestock during transfer and transportation. Minister of Agriculture and appointed inspectors
- Animal Products Act
- Saskatchewan Poultry Regulations
Protects poultry during handling and transportation. Minister of Agriculture and appointed inspectors


Act/Regulations Scope Enforced By
- Animal Protection Act - PDF (308 kb) Protects all animals from distress and cruelty during any activity. SPCA
Police Officers