Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Modifications to the Reference Material in the Candidate's Guide to the Seed Grader Evaluation

The reference material listed in the Candidate's Guide to the Seed Grader Evaluation under section 9.0 Evaluation Outline has been modified. Please note the following points:

  • Since the SWI 132.1.4 Labelling of Seed and the SWI 162.2.3 Seed Import Release Agent Procedures are outdated, they are no longer considered reference material for GB, GD, and GI/SIRA graders. Instead, the candidate is expected to provide the applicable CSI Technical Manual. Documents pertaining to Seed Grading based on a Certificate, and Seed Grading from a sample (Examination of a Large Seeded Crop Kind) are currently under revision and once completed they can be obtained from the Saskatoon Laboratory, Seed Science and Technology Section (SSTS).
  • The 2009 ABCs of Seed Importation into Canada is added as reference material for GI/SIRA graders.
  • Other related CFIA reference material will be provided as required with the exception of the applicable current CSI Technical Manual.