Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

D-94-34: Import Requirements for Grapevine Propagative Material

EFFECTIVE DATE: May 27, 2009
(2nd Revision)

59 Camelot Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0Y9
(Tel.: 613-225-2342; Fax: 613-773-7204)


This directive contains the requirements governing the importation of grapevine propagative material from all countries.

The purpose of this revision is to:

  1. Prohibit the import of grapevines from Flavescence dorée Control Areas of France, and any other areas where the disease is known to occur.
  2. Update the treatment requirements for imported grapevines in order to eliminate potential infections with phytoplasma organisms associated with various grapevine yellows diseases.
  3. Update the list of approved sources for grapevines from countries other than the United States (U.S.)
  4. Update the list of approved grapevine rootstocks and varieties/clones from countries other than the U.S.
  5. Include the import requirements for grapevines from all countries within a single document.
  6. Update the format of the directive to reflect organizational changes.

Table of Contents


This directive will be reviewed every 5 years unless otherwise needed. The next review date for this directive is May 27, 2014. The contact for this directive is Joanne Rousson. For further information or clarification, please contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).


Approved by:

Chief Plant Health Officer

Amendment Record

Amendments to this directive will be dated and distributed as outlined in the distribution below.


  1. Directive mail list (Regions, PHRA, USDA)
  2. Provincial Government, Industry (determined by Author)
  3. National Industry Organizations (determined by Author)
  4. Internet


Canada regulates the importation of grapevines from all countries in order to mitigate the risk of entry and establishment of quarantine pests of grapevines. Canada and the United States (U.S.) have very similar import requirements for grapevine propagative material, therefore Canada allows the importation of grapevine propagative material that has been certified under a U.S. state certification program. Appendix 5 contains a list of CFIA approved U.S. Vitis certification programs.

Grapevines from sources other than the U.S. may be approved for entry into Canada on an individual evaluation basis. Currently, France and Germany are the only off-continent sources with CFIA approved nurseries certified to export certain grapevine rootstocks and varieties/clones for propagation to Canada.


This directive is to be used as a guide for Canadian importers, foreign exporters, shippers and brokers, CFIA inspectors, Canada Border Services Agency and National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPO).


  • ISPM No. 4 (1996): Requirements for the Establishment of Pest Free Areas.
  • D-97-06: Plant Protection Export Certification Program for Grapevine Nursery Stock, Vitis spp.
  • D-95-09: Importation of Dried Plant Material

This directive supersedes D-94-34 (1st Revision), the Memorandum dated July 22, 1980, entitled Policy Relating to the Importations of Grapevine Material Into Canada, the Memorandum dated 15-12-1980 entitled Treatment of Rooted Grapevine Material from All Sources into British Columbia, and any other pre-existing policy documents regarding the import of grapevines into Canada from all countries.

Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms

Definitions for terms used in the present document can be found in the Plant Health Glossary of Terms.

1.0 General Requirements

1.1 Legislative Authority

The Plant Protection Act, S.C. 1990, c.22
The Plant Protection Regulations, SOR/95-212
Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice, Canada Gazette: Part I (as amended from time to time)

1.2 Fees

The CFIA is charging fees in accordance with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice. For information regarding fees associated with imported product, please contact the Import Service Centre (ISC). Anyone requiring other information regarding fees may contact any local CFIA office or visit our Fees Notice Web Site.

1.3 Regulated Pests Associated With Grapevines Imported to Canada

The CFIA regulates grapevines for propagation for the presence of the pests listed in Appendix 3.

1.4 Regulated Commodities

Vitis spp. plant material for propagation, other than seeds.

Appendix 1 lists the varieties/clones, rootstock and grafted grapevine plants that are permitted for importation from CFIA approved nurseries.

Appendix 2 lists the foreign grapevine nurseries that are approved under this program.

Appendix 5 lists the Canadian approved U.S. Vitis spp. certification programs.

Any previously non-approved grapevine rootstocks and varieties/clones that originate from any country other than the U.S. and that are produced by a non-approved nursery must be authorized by the CFIA prior to importation, even if the material originates from within a country or certification program for which other material has previously been approved by the CFIA. The new rootstocks and varieties/clones/nurseries may receive provisional approval only for the first two full years. During this period, importations of new grapevine rootstocks and varieties/clones will be sampled by the CFIA for laboratory testing (serology and molecular) and inoculation onto herbaceous and woody indicator plants to ensure they are free from quarantine pests. If testing does not reveal any concern, provisional status will be removed after two years and restrictions on movement or propagation will be removed.

Vitis spp. propagative material from any non-approved sources may only be imported into Canada under Section 43 of the Plant Protection Regulations for the purpose of being used for scientific research, or for educational, processing, industrial or exhibition purposes, on a case-by-case evaluation basis. Importations under Section 43 require a Permit to Import.

Regulated grapevines for propagation may be subject to other import requirements that are not specific to grapevines and that are contained in other CFIA policy documents. For example, grapevines for propagation are regulated as a host for light brown apple moth under D-07-03: "Plant Protection (Phytosanitary) Import Requirements to Prevent the Entry of Epiphyas postvittana".

Contact your local CFIA office for more information regarding other phytosanitary requirements for the importation of grapevines.

1.5 Commodities Exempt

Grape seeds are admissible from all sources without additional conditions, provided that a Phytosanitary Certificate from the exporting country's NPPO accompanies the shipment.

Dried grapevines, not intended for propagation, are not subject to the requirements of this directive; they are regulated under D-95-09: "Importation of Dried Plant Material".

1.6 Regulated Areas

All countries.

2.0 Specific Requirements

2.1 Prohibited Commodities

Vitis spp. propagative material (excluding seeds) originating from, or propagated within, Flavescence dorée (FD) Control Areas* of France, or any other infested area of a country where the disease occurs.

* An area of France in which Flavescence dorée disease has been identified and which is under specific restrictions for control under regulation "Arrêté ministériel du 9 juillet 2003", defining the area and conditions of restriction and movement for the area.

Vitis spp. propagative material (excluding seeds) from non-approved sources and material that has not been tested.

2.2 Import Requirements

All Vitis spp. material in the consignment must be free of quarantine and regulated non-quarantine pests of Canada (Section 1.3, Appendix 3). All Vitis spp. material that originates from any country, other than the U.S. must be free from soil, sand and related plant debris.

2.2.1 Permit to Import

A Permit to Import issued by the CFIA is required to import grapevines for propagation into Canada.

2.2.2 Phytosanitary Certificate

The NPPO of the exporting country must issue a Phytosanitary Certificate for Vitis spp. consignments with the following additional declaration:

"The Vitis spp. material originated from a source approved by the CFIA."

2.2.3 Treatments

The NPPO of the exporting country must ensure that the hot water treatment described in Part A of Appendix 4 has been applied against diseases caused by the phytoplasma organisms listed in Appendix 3 (if they are present in the exporting country).

In certain cases the Permit to Import may specifically authorize treatment against phytoplasma organisms to be performed in Canada at treatment facilities approved by the CFIA in accordance with the conditions on the Permit to Import.

The NPPO of the exporting country will document the treatment on the Phytosanitary Certificate issued for the consignment. Grapevines Originating from the United States and Destined to British Columbia

For grapevines originating from the U.S. and destined to B.C., the NPPO of the U.S. must ensure that one of the treatments described in sections A and B of Appendix 4 (the treatments are numbered from 1 to 7) have been applied to control phylloxera and virus vectoring nematodes that are not known to occur in B.C. Grapevines Originating from the United States and Destined to Other Parts of Canada

Approved grapevine material originating from U.S. is not subject to the treatment requirements outlined in this directive when the material is not destined to B.C.

2.2.4 Other requirements

For grapevine nursery stock in association with soil, please refer to D-95-26, Phytosanitary requirements for soil and related matter, alone or in association with plants.

Nursery stock with roots must have been grown in soil in which the potato wart disease, Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Perc., has not been recorded and in which, based on official soil surveys or other precautionary practices, the potato cyst nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis Woll. and Globodera pallida Stone), and soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinoke) are known not to occur.

For countries other than the U.S.

Grapevine propagative material must originate from a CFIA approved exporting nursery. Only the grapevine rootstocks and varieties/clones listed in Appendix 1 that have been grown in one of the approved nurseries listed in Appendix 2 are eligible for phytosanitary certification to Canada.

Certification Tag

The NPPO, or the NPPO approved certifying authority of the exporting country, will ensure that certification tags clearly indicating the source and its applicable certification code (in accordance with the official rules established by the certifying authority of the exporting country) are attached to each lot of grapevines exported to Canada.

Certificate of Origin

The certifying authority of the exporting country must provide Canada with separate certificates of origin for the mother blocks* of the imported rootstocks and varieties/clones for every shipment. The mother blocks of the exported varieties/clones and rootstock must originate from grapevines that have been fully tested, and found to be free of all regulated pests, by the approved certification body of the exporting country. Samples from these mother blocks must be submitted to the CFIA by the NPPO of the exporting country for complete testing at the CFIA Sidney Laboratory in Sidney, B.C.

* For the purpose of this document, a mother block is a contiguous source planting of an individual rootstock and variety/clone, or a group of varieties or clones, at the same level of certification, according to approved official grapevine certification standards. Mother blocks must be isolated from other certified or uncertified grapevines according to the distances listed in the Canadian guidelines for the production of grapevines for export purposes. Refer to D-97-06: "Plant Protection Export Certification Program for Grapevine Nursery Stock, Vitis spp." for these guidelines.

2.3 Inspection Requirements

Upon arrival at the first point of entry in Canada, all shipments are subject to inspection, including verification of documentation, by CFIA. CFIA inspectors may collect samples of the plants for testing to ensure that no quarantine pests to Canada are present.

2.4 Non-Compliance

If Permits to Import, Phytosanitary Certificates or other required documents are not provided at time of entry to Canada, shipments will not be allowed entry and will be ordered removed from Canada.

During import inspection, if any pests or soil, sand, and related plant debris are found to be present, the shipment will be ordered removed from Canada pursuant to Section 8 of the Plant Protection Act or ordered disposed of pursuant to the Plant Protection Regulations. For non-compliance of other kinds, inspectors will detain the shipment and consult the CFIA before taking enforcement action.

3.0 Appendices

Appendix 1: List of Countries and Grapevine Rootstocks and Varieties/Clones Approved for Import to Canada from Countries Other than the United States

Appendix 2: Canadian-Approved Foreign Grapevine Nurseries (Other than in the United States)

Appendix 3: Regulated Pests Associated with Grapevines Imported to Canada

Appendix 4: Treatment Requirements for Grapevines Imported to Canada

Appendix 5: Canadian-Approved United States Vitis spp. Certification Programs

Appendix 1

List of Countries and Grapevine Rootstocks and Varieties/Clones Approved for Import to Canada from Countries Other than the United States (as of December 2008)

Rootstocks (Vitis spp.)

From France:

Variety Name Clone Number
101-14 Clones 3, 759
110 R Clones 6, 7, 151,152
140 Ru Clones 101, 265
161-49 C Clones 76, 198, 239
1103 P Clones 113, 768
3309 C Clones 111, 143, 144
41 B Clones 153, 194, 195
410 A Clones 10, 11, 241
5 C Clones 6, 236
5 BB Clones 106, 114
Fercal Clone 242
Gravesac Clone 264
Riparia Gloire Clones 1, 1030
RSBI Clones 109, 141
SO4 Clones 5, 102, 166, 762

From Germany:

Variety Name Clone Number
SO4 Clone  31

Varieties (Vitis vinifera)

From France:

Variety Name Clone Number
Aligote Clones 264, 651
Auxerrois Clones 56, 57
Cabernet Franc Clones 210, 214, 312, 327, 331, 332, 623
Cabernet Sauvignon Clones 15, 169, 191, 339, 685
Chardonnay Clones 75, 76, 77, 95, 96, 119, 124, 128, 277, 548, 809
Chasselas Clone 538
Chazan Clones 153, 194, 195
Chenin Clones 220, 982
Cinsault Clones 3, 320
Colombard Clones 551, 609
Cot-Malbec Clone 598
Fer Servadou Clones 421, 672
Gamay Noir Clones 222, 282, 284, 356, 358, 489, 490, 509, 565, 656, 787
Gamay de Chaudenay Clone 223
Gewurztraminer Clones 47, 643
Grenache Clones 70, 516
Marsanne Clone 574
Marselan Clone 980
Merlot Clones 181, 182, 184, 314, 343, 346, 347, 447, 519
Muller Thurgau Clone 647
Muscat Blanc Clone 455
Muscat de Hambourg Clone 202
Muscat Ottonel Clone 59
Petit Verdot Clone 400
Pinot Blanc Clones 54, 55
Pinot Gris Clones 52, 53, 457
Pinot Meunier Clones 458, 925
Pinot Noir Clones 113, 114, 115, 164, 375, 386, 459, 667, 777, 828
Riesling Clone 49
Roussanne Clone 522
Sauvignon Clones 159, 242, 241, 297, 317, 376, 378, 530
Sauvignon Gris Clone 917
Savagnin Clones 612, 614
Semillon Clones 299, 315, 908
Syrah Clones 99, 100, 174, 877
Tanna Clone 717
Ugni Blanc Clones 479, 485
Viognier Clones 642, 1042

From Germany:

Variety Name Clone Number
Weis Riesling Clone 21B


Appendix 2

Canadian-Approved Foreign Grapevine Nurseries (Other than in the United States) (as of December 2007)


Pépinières Viticole Jacques Gergaud
16200 JARNAC, France

Pépinière du Bas Viverais1
M. Guy Ozil
Les Mazes
07150 VALLON-PONT-D'ARC, France

Établissement Chauvin2
M. Jean Chauvin
Boulevard Albin Durand
Vaucluse, France

Pépinières Hyacinthe Raymond
Chemin Carpenteras-Morlemort
Boite Postale #8, 84200
Vaucluse, France

E.A.R.L. Roch Lauriol
Pépinières Viticoles
07200 Saint Maurice D'Ardeche

GAEC de Monteillon*
R. et L. Bertrand
30350 Maruejols les Gardons

Pépinière Mercier Frères
La Chaignee
85700 VIX, France

Pépinières Morrisson-Couderc
07200 Vogue

Pépinières Guillaume Sarl
70700 Charcenne

S.A. Richter

Pépinières Tourette
Vogne 07200
Aubenas, France

Pépinières Tourette*
Pierre Denis
Vogue 07200

Pépinières Velletaz*
Jean Louis
73250 St Jean de la Porte

Pépinières Hebinger*
15, rue de Colmar
68420 Eguisheim

1 NOTE: SO4 cl 102 and SO4 cl 5 are not approved for importation to Canada from Pépinière du Bas Viverais.

2 NOTE: 3309 cl 144 is not approved for importation to Canada from Établisssements Chauvin.

* Indicates provisional approval for two full years pending the results of testing of samples by the CFIA Sidney Laboratory. Grapevines may be imported and planted under restriction of movement and further propagation during the provisional approval period. If testing results reveal quarantine pests, approval will be cancelled and grapevines imported during the period of provisional approval shall be subject to removal from the country, or destruction. Provisional approval status may be extended beyond two years to ensure that enough grapevines can be tested to effectively evaluate phytosanitary status.


Weis & Rules Vines and Wines
St Urbanshof
54340 Leiwen

Appendix 3

Regulated Pests Associated with Grapevines Imported to Canada

  1. Certification may be issued for freedom from the pests listed below. Pest freedom is determined by official testing or approved treatment of material, or if the material originates from an area that has been officially surveyed and determined to be free from these pests.  See Pests Regulated by Canada available on CFIA's website
  2. Certification for freedom from the pests listed below is required only if the plants are destined to B.C. Pest freedom is determined by official testing or approved treatment of material, or if the material originates from an area that has been officially surveyed and determined to be free from these pests.
    1. Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch) (syn) Phylloxera vitifoliae (Fitch)
    2. Longidorus, Trichoderma and Xiphinema spp.
    3. Phomopsis viticola Sacc.

Appendix 4

Treatment Requirements for Grapevines Imported to Canada

All treatments that are required to meet the CFIA's phytosanitary requirements for grapevine material must be approved by the NPPO of the exporting country and must be completed at the country of origin. Should an exporting NPPO wish to employ any treatment other than those listed in this directive, the treatment must first be approved by the CFIA.

A) Phytoplasma Treatments

Treatment for imports from countries where phytoplasma diseases of grapevines occur

Examples of phytoplasma diseases of grapevines include: Flavescence dorée, bois noir/Vergilbungskrankheit, Australian grapevine yellows and Palatinate grapevine yellows. Treat by complete immersion of vines, cuttings or grafted plants in a hot water bath maintained at a minimum temperature of 50°C for a minimum duration of 35 minutes.


Treatment time shall start when the water temperature has reached 50°C after plants have been immersed in water.

Other temperature and time combinations for phytoplasma control may be considered by the CFIA if they are supported by scientific data and are approved by the CFIA prior to use.

This treatment is effective against phylloxera and virus vectoring nematodes.

Other Certification Options

In certain cases, when specifically approved in writing by CFIA, certification against diseases caused by phytoplasmas may be based on clear absence of the pests from the areas where the grapevines are grown as well as areas where all propagative materials originated. The pest free area status must have been developed and provided by the exporting country in accordance with ISPM No. 4 (1996) and have been officially approved in writing by the CFIA, prior to export.

B) Nematode and Phyloxera Treatments

  1. Treat in hot water previously heated to 43.3°C (100°F) for 5 minutes, then remove and again immerse in another water bath previously heated to 47.8°C (118°F) for 30 minutes. OR
  2. Treat in hot water previously heated to 43.3°C (100°F) for 5 minutes, then remove and again immerse in another water bath previously heated to 48.9°C (120°F) for 30 minutes. OR
  3. Treat in hot water previously heated to 43.3°C (100°F) for 5 minutes, then remove and again immerse in another water bath previously heated to 50.0°C (122°F) for 10 minutes. OR
  4. Treat in hot water previously heated to 43.3°C (100°F) for 5 minutes, then remove and again immerse in another water bath previously heated to 51.7°C (125°F) for 5 minutes. OR
  5. Treat in hot water previously heated to 43.3°C (100°F) for 5 minutes, then remove and again immerse in another water bath previously heated to 52.7°C (127°F) for 3 minutes.OR
  6. Treat in hot water previously heated to 31.7°C (89°F) for 5 minutes, then remove and again immerse in another water bath previously heated to 52.2°C (126°F) for 5 minutes.OR
  7. Treat using a chemical dip treatment of 0.5 g of Diazinon 50% wettable powder (WP) and 2 g of Malathion 50% WP per liter of water for 20 minutes at a minimum temperature of 21°C. These products may not currently be registered for use within Canada.

Alternative treatments may be considered by CFIA at the request of certifying NPPOs.

Appendix 5

Canadian-Approved United States Vitis spp. Certification Programs

State of California:

California Department of Food and Agriculture, Pest Exclusion/Nursery, Seed, and Cotton Program
1220 N Street, Room A-372, Sacramento, CA 95814
Telephone: 916-654-0435
Facsimile: 916-654-0986

State of Oregon:

Oregon Department of Agriculture, Plant Division
635 Capitol St. NE Salem, OR 97301-2532
Telephone: 503-986-4644
Facsimile: 503-986-4786

State of Washington:

Washington State Department of Agriculture, Plant protection Division
1111 Washington St., P.O. Box 42560, Olympia, WA 98504-2560
Telephone: 360-902-1800
Facsimile: 360-902-2092