Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

D-95-03: Asian Gypsy Moth (Lymantria Dispar L.) - Plant Protection Policy for Marine Vessels

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EFFECTIVE DATE: March 18, 2011
(12th Revision)

59 Camelot Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0Y9
(Tel.: 613-225-2342; Fax: 613-773-7204)


This directive prescribes measures to prevent the entry by vessels and establishment of Asian gypsy moth (AGM) in Canada.

The National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) of the Republic of Korea will issue "AGM ship monitoring forms" for ships that leave its ports to comply with the AGM certification requirements of Canada as outlined in this policy. Appendix 4 has been amended to reflect this.

Table of Contents


This directive will be reviewed every 5 years or when new scientific or technical information regarding the pest is received. For further information or clarification, please contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).


Approved by:

Chief Plant Health Officer

Amendment Record

Amendments to this directive will be dated and distributed as outlined in the distribution below.


  1. Directive mail list (Regions, PHRA, USDA)
  2. Provincial Government, Industry (determined by Author)
  3. National Industry Organizations (determined by Author)
  4. Internet


The Asian strain of the gypsy moth (AGM), Lymantria Dispar L. is a serious pest of coniferous and deciduous trees. It is not known to occur in North America, although introductions of this insect have been detected and eradicated. These introductions have been primarily the result of larvae of AGM emerging from egg masses laid on ships and being dispersed to land areas surrounding ports in North America. Port areas in infested countries are sometimes subject to high population levels of AGM. Females frequently fly at night and are known to be attracted to the lights aboard vessels. As a result, eggs are laid on ship structures and cargo. When the vessel enters Canada, there exists the potential for the pest to be discharged along with the cargo or the larvae of the insect to disperse onto surrounding vegetation through a natural process called ballooning. Ballooning occurs when the larvae suspend themselves on a silken thread and are then carried by the wind to host trees where they feed. In the past, introduction of this pest by vessels has necessitated a number of expensive and often intensive eradication programs. This inspection policy has been in place since 1992 to mitigate future introductions.


This directive is intended for use by any individual or company responsible for or acting on behalf of marine vessels wishing to enter Canada, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Coast Guard (Department of Fisheries and Oceans), and the CFIA. This directive outlines the entry requirements for marine vessels arriving in Canada which have previously called upon ports in areas infested with the AGM.


ISPM No. 5: Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms, FAO, Rome (updated annually)

Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations

PI-014 - Asian Gypsy Moth Critical Response Plan to Prevent the Incursion of Lymantria dispar from Ships and their Cargo Entering Canadian Ports

This directive supercedes D-95-03 (11th Revision) and any other policy documents on this subject.

Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms

Definitions for terms used in the present document can be found in the Plant Health Glossary of Terms.

1.0 General Requirements

1.1 Legislative Authority

The Plant Protection Act, S.C. 1990, c. 22
The Plant Protection Regulations, SOR/95-212
Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice, Canada Gazette: Part I (as amended from time to time)

1.2 Fees

The CFIA is charging fees in accordance with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice. For information regarding fees associated with imported product, please contact the Import Service Centre (ISC). Anyone requiring other information regarding fees may contact any local CFIA office or visit our Fees Notice Web Site.

1.3 Regulated Pests

The Asian strain and sub-species of the gypsy moth (AGM), Lymantria Dispar L.

1.4 Regulated Areas

Regulated areas are listed in Appendix 2.

1.5 Regulated Commodity

This policy applies to any marine vessel entering Canada that has visited a port in a regulated area during a period when AGM is likely to be deposited on marine vessels. A list of dates in regulated areas for which infestation is likely is provided in Appendix 2. A list of vessels which have visited infested areas in the previous calendar year and therefore considered to be a risk for the movement of AGM is provided in Appendix 3 for reference purposes only. This list does not include marine vessels which pose a risk of moving AGM resulting from the vessel calling on an infested area in the current calendar year.

2.0 Specific Requirements

A summary of requirements is provided in Appendix 1.

All marine vessels entering Canada are subject to inspection at any time of the year to verify freedom from AGM.

The Canadian agent is responsible for ensuring that a marine vessel which has visited a port in a regulated area notifies a local office of the CFIA at least 96 hours prior to the vessel's arrival in Canadian waters of the vessel's intent to enter Canada. The vessel may be required to report at a designated inspection site at a time mutually agreed to by the agent and the CFIA. A list of local offices is maintained on the CFIA website.

Should an inspection reveal the presence of AGM, the vessel will be considered to be non-compliant.

2.1 Marine Vessels Entering A Canadian Port During the Period March 1 to October 15

The Master of a marine vessel which has visited ports in regulated areas during specified periods listed in Appendix 2 in the current year or in the year immediately preceding the current year must provide to the vessel's Canadian agent:

  • a summary of the ports called upon by the vessel for the past 2 years; and
  • a copy of a Phytosanitary Certificate or other approved certificate(s) (a list of certificates approved by the CFIA is provided in Appendix 4).

Prior to the vessel entering Canadian waters, the Canadian agent is responsible for notifying the CFIA office located at or near the port of arrival and provide to the CFIA a summary of ports of call and copies of an approved Phytosanitary Certificate or other approved certificate(s).

The Phytosanitary Certificate or other approved certificate(s) must be issued by a NPPO or approved agency as specified in Appendix 4. The certificate must state that the vessel was inspected and found free from AGM from at least the last port of call in a regulated area (as specified in Appendix 2) that was visited prior to entering Canadian waters.

The vessel may enter a Canadian port upon written confirmation by the appropriate CFIA office. The vessel remains subject to inspection by the CFIA during its stay in Canada. The original Phytosanitary Certificate or other approved certificate(s) must be made available to the CFIA for review on request.

Vessels that fail to meet this requirement will be considered to be non-compliant. Should an inspection reveal the presence of AGM, the vessel will be considered to be non-compliant and actions taken in accordance with Section 4.0.

2.2 Marine Vessels Entering Canadian Ports During October 16 to February 28 (or 29)

All marine vessels which have visited ports in regulated areas will be permitted to enter Canadian ports during this period without interruption. These vessels are subject to inspection at any time during their stay in Canada.

A Phytosanitary Certificate or other approved certificate(s) is not required for entry into Canada during this period.

Should an inspection reveal the presence of AGM, the vessel will be considered to be non-compliant and actions taken in accordance with Section 4.0.

3.0 Inspection Procedures

CFIA inspection staff will determine the frequency of inspection and geographical location of the inspection prior to entry into Canada. CFIA inspection staff will thoroughly inspect all areas of a marine vessel at a designated inspection site. Inspections normally occur during daylight hours only. The CFIA will notify the vessel in writing of the inspection results.

Marine vessels which have visited a regulated area with valid Phytosanitary Certificates or other approved certificate(s) and found free of AGM after phytosanitary inspection by authorities in the United States (U.S.), may enter a Canadian port without inspection, provided the vessel can present the original confirmation of inspection carried out by United States authorities.

4.0 Non-Compliance

4.1 Certification

A vessel without the required certification under Section 2.1 may not be permitted entry into Canada, unless an inspection by the CFIA at a designated inspection site is conducted and if an inspector is satisfied that the risk of introducing AGM has been mitigated. The vessel will be considered non-compliant during it's entire stay in Canada and it's movements will be regulated by the CFIA while the vessel is in Canadian waters. The vessel may be subject to additional enforcement action.

4.2 Infestation

Should an inspection of a vessel reveal the presence of AGM, the vessel will be placed under quarantine for a period of up to 2 years and be ordered out of Canadian waters during the period of March 1 through October 15. The vessel may also be subject to additional enforcement action.

At a CFIA inspector's discretion, a vessel that has been ordered out of Canada or the United States due to the presence AGM may be permitted to conduct a thorough cleaning of all life stages of AGM outside Canadian waters. Once cleaning is complete, the vessel may be allowed to return to Canadian waters for re-inspection at a designated inspection site. If an inspector is satisfied that the risk of introducing AGM has been mitigated, the vessel may be allowed to enter a Canadian port. The vessel's movements will be regulated by the CFIA while in Canadian waters. During subsequent visits to Canada, a vessel found infested with AGM may be required to be inspected at a safe anchorage off-shore prior to entry into Canada, unless the vessel meets the entry requirements specified in section 2.0. The vessel may also be subject to additional enforcement action.

Should life stages of AGM be found during re-inspection, the vessel will remain under quarantine for a period of up to 2 years and will not be permitted entry into Canadian waters during the period of March 1 through October 15 or until the ship meets the requirements specified in section 2.0.

Notifications of non-compliance will be issued in accordance with D-01-06: Canadian Phytosanitary Policy for the Notification of Non-compliance and Emergency Action.

5.0 Appendices

Appendix 1: Summary of Entry Requirements

Appendix 2: Regulated Areas with Dates for Which Vessels May Become Infested and Where Certification of AGM Freedom is Required

Appendix 3: List of Vessels Considered to Be High Risk

Appendix 4: List of Recognized Sources of Phytosanitary Certificates and Pre-departure Inspection Certificates

Appendix 1

Summary of Entry Requirements

Marine Vessels Risk Period in Canada Quarantine Action
Marine vessels that have called on high risk areas as specified in Appendix 2 March 1 to October 15 All marine vessels which have visited a port in a regulated area must present a valid Phytosanitary Certificate or other approved certificate (a list of certificates approved by the CFIA is provided in Appendix 4) verifying that the vessel is free of AGM. The vessel is subject to inspection for the presence of AGM on arrival in Canada. Vessels without valid certification will be considered non-compliant, held at a designated off-shore anchorage for CFIA inspection, and if found free of AGM may be permitted to enter Canada, but their movements will be monitored while in Canada.
Marine vessels that have called on high risk areas as specified in Appendix 2 October 16 to February 28 (or 29) Marine vessels which have visited a port in a regulated area may enter Canada, but may be inspected at berth for presence of AGM. If AGM is detected during inspection, the vessel will be considered non-compliant. A Phytosanitary Certificate or other approved certificate(s) are not required.
Other Marine Vessels All Year Any marine vessel which has not visited a port in a regulated area may still be inspected for the presence of AGM. If AGM is detected during inspection, the vessel will be considered non-compliant.


Appendix 2

Regulated Areas Considered to be a High Risk

Appendix 3

List of Vessels Considered to be High Risk

This list is published annually (in February) and includes vessels calling on ports during periods of high risk in the previous calendar year. It will not include vessels calling on high risk ports in the current calendar year. It is subject to revision at any time and is based on available information. It is available for reference purposes and should not be considered as complete. Vessels are monitored through a number of sources by CFIA. As such, Canadian agents acting on behalf of vessels calling on Canada are strongly encouraged to contact the appropriate office of the CFIA to determine the inspection status of every vessel planning on entering Canada during the high risk period.

Appendix 4

List of Recognized Sources of Phytosanitary Certificates and Pre-departure Inspection Certificates

Phytosanitary Certificates issued by the NPPO of Russia.

AGM Ship Monitoring Forms issued by the NPPO of the Republic of Korea.

A Pre-departure Inspection Certificate is an approved certificate if issued by the China Certification and Inspection Co. Ltd. in the People's Republic of China.

A Pre-departure Inspection Certificate is an approved certificate if issued by the following recognized third party inspection bodies in Japan:

  • All Nippon Checkers Corporation (ANCC)
  • The Japan Cargo Tally Corporation (JCTC)
  • Japan Export Vehicle Inspection Center Co., Ltd. (JEVIC)
  • Japan Grain Inspection Association (JGIA)
  • Nippon Kaiji Kentei Kyokai (NKKK)
  • Shin Nihon Kentei Kyokai (SNKK)
  • Hokkaido Bouekikunjyo Co. Ltd. (HBKC)
  • Kanto Fumigation Co. Ltd. (KFCO)
  • Kobe Plant Quarantine Association (KOBEPQA)
  • Keiyochiku Plant Quarantine Association (KPQA)
  • Kyoritsu Sanitary Co. Ltd. (KRS)
  • Muroran & Tomakomai Plant Quarantine Association (MTPQA)
  • Nikkun Co. Ltd. (NCL)
  • Okayama-Ken Plant Quarantine Association (OKYPQA)
  • Osaka Plant Quarantine Association (OPQA)
  • Osaka Timber Quarantine Association (OSKTQA)
  • Techno Kasei Co. Ltd. (TKL)
  • Tokai Plant Quarantine Association (TOKAIPQA)
  • Tokyo Plant Quarantine Association (TPQA)
  • Yokohama Plant Protection Association (YPPA)