Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Ips hauseri (Reitter) - Hauser's engraver

Coleoptera: Scolytidae


Adult beetles are bright reddish-black, with an elongated body (3.5 to 5.0 mm long) and are completely covered with sparse, yellowish-brown hairs.24 Each elytron has four spines along the declivity.24 The 3rd spine in the male is finger-shaped and is the widest and longest, whereas in the female, the spines are all uniform.24 The surface of the declivity is matted.71


Picea, Larix and Pinus.24


Larvae feed on the inner bark along the entire bole, including the root collar, and in larger branches (inner bark and sapwood).24 Immature beetles maturation feed on the inner bark of brood trees.24


Healthy trees. But stressed, dying and recently cut trees are preferred.24 Mature trees are preferred, but at high populations young trees (5 to 6 cm diameter) can also be attacked.24


Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,Turkey and China.17, 42, 72, 73, 74


Immature beetles maturation feed under the bark of brood trees creating slightly irregular-shaped feeding galleries that are parallel to the main stem.42 Adults emerge from small, round exit holes.42

One central nuptial chamber includes one male and 2 to 8 females.24 Thus, several egg galleries can radiate downwards (most likely) or upwards from the nuptial chamber.24 Longitudinal egg galleries are 8 to 14 cm long and 1.5 to 3.0 mm wide. These galleries are free of frass.24 Females lay 20 to 45 eggs on both sides of the egg gallery.42 The intervals between egg niches are shorter near the nuptial chamber than at the end of the egg gallery.42 The perpendicular larval galleries are short (3 to 4 cm long) and become wider as the larvae increase in size.24, 42

Symptoms of attack include resin flow from entrance holes, reddish-brown frass in bark crevices, pitch tubes and sparse crowns with partly dead tops and branches.24, 42 Attack sites occur over the entire trunk from the top, down to the root collar.24 Therefore, needles of attacked trees often show yellowing or reddening and wilting that usually begins at the top of a tree.24

Adult Ips hauseri (3.5-5.0 millimetre long).
A - Adult I. hauseri (3.5-5.0 mm long).
Elytral declivity of male Ips hauseri. Note size and shape of 3rd spine.
B - Elytral declivity of male I. hauseri. Note size and shape of 3rd spine.

Drawing of Ips hauseri egg (8-14 centimetre long) and larval (3-4 centimetre long) galleries.
C - Drawing of I. hauseri egg (8-14 cm long) and larval (3-4 cm long) galleries.

Photo credits

  • A Klaus Bolte, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service
  • B Drawing from Li, K. and J. Zhou. 1980, Forest Insects in China, Chinese Forestry Press
  • C Drawing from Li, K. and J. Zhou. 1980, Forest Insects in China, Chinese Forestry Press