Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Monochamus sartor (Fabricius)

Coleoptera: Cerambycidae


These shiny, black metallic beetles are 21 to 35 mm long and have sparse yellow hairs on the elytra.2, 25, 128 Antennae are twice the body length in males but only slightly longer than the body in females.2 Antennae of both sexes are black but the bases of the 3rd to 11th antennal segments in females are whitish-gray.2, 25 A distinguishing characteristic of this species is a transverse saddle-like impression found behind the pronotum.2 The pronotum and elytra of females have a few white spots, but these are absent or indistinct on males.25 Female elytra have parallel edges whereas the male's narrows posteriorly.2


Picea (main host), Abies, Larix and Pinus.2, 25


Larvae feed on the inner bark, sapwood and heartwood along the stem. Attacks usually occur 2 to 4 m above the ground.2, 25, 85 Immature beetles maturation feed on needles, green cones and twigs.2, 25, 128


Weakened, felled, fire scorched, or uprooted trees.2, 25, 85, 128 Large diameter stems are preferred.25, 85 As populations increase during an outbreak, attacks can occur on healthy trees.2


Europe.2, 128


Beetles emerge in spring and feed in the crown on needles, weakened twigs and green cones.2, 85, 128 In the summer, fertilized females excavate a funnelshaped pit in the bark, 6 to 7 mm wide and 4 to 5 mm long, and deposit a single egg in each niche.2, 85, 128 At least 50 eggs are laid by a single female.85

Early instar larvae excavate large, deep, galleries (up to 50 cm long) packed with long, fibrous frass in the inner bark.2 Through an oval entrance hole, larvae bore horizontal galleries into the sapwood that may sometimes reach the heartwood.2, 128 Larvae then bore parallel to the grain of the wood for a few cm and expel frass through these holes.2, 128 Last instar larvae mine "U-shaped" galleries, so that adult emergence occurs on the same side of the trunk as the entrance holes.85, 128 Pupation chambers are plugged with wooden fibres and occur at a depth of 10 to 12 mm.2 Adults emerge from exit holes 8 to 12 mm in diameter.2, 128

Adult Monochamus sartor (21-35 millimetre long).
A - Adult M. sartor (21-35 mm long).
Male and female Monochamus sartor. Male antennae are twice the body length. Female antennae are slightly longer than the body.
B - Male and female M. sartor. Male antennae are twice the body length. Female antennae are slightly longer than the body.

Monochamus sartor larva and larval galleries (up to 50 centimetre long). Note long, fibrous frass in the larval galleries.
C - M. sartor larva and larval galleries (up to 50 cm long). Note long, fibrous frass in the larval galleries.

Photo credits

  • A Marcel and Alain Galant
  • B Michael Hoskovec, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • C Fabio Stergulc, University of Udin, Image 1433012,, Feb. 5, 2004