Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Saperda perforata (Pallas)

Coleoptera: Cerambycidae


Adults are yellow or grayish, slightly flattened dorsally and are 12 to 20 mm long.23, 25, 121, 128 The pronotum typically has a single median spot as well as 8 black spots arranged into two transverse lines.23, 25 Each elytron has a stripe of black pubescence along the shoulder, which extends towards the midpoint.23, 25 Each elytron also has 5 black spots in a longitudinal line and a black spot on the basal quarter.23, 25 Gray antennae have black apices.2


Populus (main host) and Salix.23, 25, 85, 121, 128


Larvae feed on the inner bark and sapwood of stems and branches.23, 25 Immature beetles maturation feed on leaves and thin shoots.23, 25


Weakened, dying, recently felled or stressed trees.23, 25, 121, 128 This beetle requires a very moist breeding substrate.121 Larger diameter trees (18 to 35 cm in diameter) are preferred.23, 25


Europe and northern Asia.2, 23, 25, 128


Immature beetles feed on the tissues of green leaves and thin shoots.23, 25 Prior to oviposition, females gnaw small 3 mm incisions on the stem or branch and lay a single egg under the bark.2, 23, 25 Larvae excavate irregular galleries in the inner bark that are packed with coarse fibrous frass.2, 23, 25, 128

Last instar larvae bore a 22 mm long horizontal gallery into the sapwood and then mine a longitudinal pupal chamber 21 to 27 mm long and 5 to 10 mm wide.2, 25, 128 Larvae plug the pupal chambers with fibrous frass and pupate with their heads toward the entrance hole.2, 25 Occasionally pupation takes place deeper in the sapwood due to desiccation of the outer sapwood.128 Adults emerge through circular exit holes (6 mm in diameter).2, 23

Yellow and gray Saperda perforata. Note 5 black spots on each elytron.
A - Yellow and gray S. perforata. Note 5 black spots on each elytron.

Adult Saperda perforata (yellow morph).
B - Adult S. perforata (yellow morph).
Adult Saperda perforata (gray morph).
C - Adult S. perforata (gray morph).
Saperda perforata in pupal chamber. Note fibrous frass plug.
D - S. perforata in pupal chamber. Note fibrous frass plug.
Adult Saperda perforata (12-20 millimetre long).
E - Adult S. perforata (12-20 mm long).

Photo credits

  • A Michael Hoskovec, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • B Marcel and Alain Galant
  • C Marcel and Alain Galant
  • D Till Tolasch,  
  • E Michael Hoskovec, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic