Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Chapter 11 - Exports

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This chapter is not a complete source of information for the exporter. It contains only information regarding veterinary, sanitary, packing, marking, labelling and certification requirements of most countries importing meat products from Canada.

With regard to the commercial aspect and related documentation, it is strongly recommended that the exporter communicate with Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, a specialized broker, the Embassy or a Consulate of the country to which export is contemplated.

Before completing any deal, an exporter should ensure that the product is acceptable to the authorities of the importing country. It is the responsibility of the exporter to verify that all the requirements of the importing country are being met. This Department only supervises their implementation and certifies accordingly.

For this reason, it would be appreciated if any person aware of a requirement not indicated in this chapter inform the appropriate regional office. This would permit us to verify this information and add it, if applicable, to the other requirements of the country concerned.

Table of Contents

  • 11.1 Introduction
  • 11.2 Certification
    • 11.2.1 Legal Basis
    • 11.2.2 Accountability Framework
    • 11.2.3 General
    • Additional Information
    • Establishment Eligibility to Export
    • 11.2.4 Procedures for Export Verification
    • Interpretation
    • Procedures to be Followed When Verifying a Meat Export Shipment
    • 11.2.5 Completion of Certificates, CFIA/ACIA 1454 "Certificate of Inspection Covering Meat Products and Continuation Sheet"
    • Completion of Form CFIA/ACIA 1454
    • Approval of Application for Export Certification
    • Issuance of Certificates
    • Replacement Export Certificates
    • Replacement Certificate Conditions
    • Replacement Certificate Preparation
    • Export Stamp/Shipping Mark Errors
    • Procedure for Replacement of Lost Certificates
    • Distribution of Form CFIA/ACIA 1454
    • 11.2.6 Remote Containerization of Meat Products Destined for Export
  • 11.3 Use and control of official certificates, stickers, stamps and seals for export of meat products
  • 11.4 Export of meat products to Muslim countries
  • 11.5 Meat products exported and returned
  • 11.6 Special requirements applicable to specific commodities
    • 11.6.1 High quality beef
    • 11.6.2 Organs and glands for pharmaceutical purposes
    • 11.6.3 Meat Products derived from ruminants - restrictions related to BSE
    • General Information
    • Specific BSE Requirements
    • 11.6.4 Poultry Meat Products - Restrictions Related to Avian Influenza
    • 11.6.5 Boar, Stag and Ridgling Derived Meat - Restrictions Related to Export Markets
    • 11.6.6 Annexes
  • 11.7 Special requirements by country
    • 11.7.1 Introduction
    • 11.7.2 Index of countries, by alphabetical order
  • Annex A - Certification in relation to Radioactivity
  • Annex B - Application to return Canadian products, authorization, official declaration for exported meat products returned to Canada and flow chart  - This page is currently under review. For more information on its availability, please contact: Dr. Yves Labbé
  • Annex C - Certificate of authenticity - beef and veal
  • Annex D - Official certificate covering inedible fresh meat products destined for animal food
  • Annex E - Certificate of inspection covering meat products - CFIA/ACIA 1454
  • Annex E-1 - Continuation Sheet to Certificate of inspection covering meat products - CFIA/ACIA 1454 Sup
  • Annex E-2 - Letter template for change of consignee
  • Annex F - Province Code  - This page is currently under review. For more information on its availability, please contact: Dr. Yves Labbé
  • Annex G - Country of Destination Codes  - This page is currently under review. For more information on its availability, please contact: Dr. Yves Labbé
  • Annex H - Export Application/Verification Form
  • Annex I - Application for Establishment Approval
  • Annex J - Transfer Certificate for Meat Products
  • Annex K - CFIA/ACIA 2367 - Exported products returned to Canada
  • Annex L - Official stamp for shipping containers
  • Annex M - Official export sticker
  • Annex N - Stamp to be applied on export certificates
  • Annex O - Export Stickers Order Form - This page is currently under review. For more information on its availability, please contact: Dr. Yves Labbé
  • Annex P - Inventory Form  - This page is currently under review. For more information on its availability, please contact: Dr. Yves Labbé
  • Annex Q - Log Book - This page is currently under review. For more information on its availability, please contact: Dr. Yves Labbé
  • Annex R - Summary of restrictions imposed by importing countries relative to BSE
  • Annex R-1 - Bovine Tongue and Tonsils
  • Annex R-2 - Identification Mark: Carcass of Cattle Aged 30 Months or Older

Next page: Sections 11.1 to 11.6