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  1. Funny line in Habs/Bruins game just now - Subban slapshot is so fast "it had a stewardess on it."
  2. Today, Age of Persuasion looks at how advertising invented the Happy Homemaker.
  3. Just read that people take 485,000 taxi trips per day in New York City.
  4. This weekend, Age of Persuasion looks at how advertising invented the housewife.
  5. A few words on Pepsi slipping to number 3:
  6. For my fellow Moleskin fans - a Moleskin app:
  7. Funny - Boston Pizza has temporarily changed its name to Montreal Pizza in Quebec during the Habs/Bruins playoffs:
  8. Don't forget to see all visual elements from 2day's show: And the podcast:
  9. 2day Age of Persuasion examines the category where all products are identical, only their ads are different (shampoos, soaps, toothpaste)
  10. A lot of people hate the word "brand" - they think commodity. To me, a brand is an idea, that stands for something, and against something.
  11. Guest-hosting Q tomorrow - interviewing Starbucks founder Howard Schultz.
  12. Thanks for listening from afar! RT @CHEFinBERLIN: @AgeOfPersuasion great!! btw luv AOP podcasts here in #Berlin
  13. Just a reminder that Age of Persuasion is available as a podcast now:
  14. Looking forward to the first authorized Steve Jobs biography due out in early 2012.
  15. Don't forget to see all the visual elements from today's episode at
  16. Today Age of Persuasion looks at "Three Foot Marketing" - how stores use design & psychology to influence shoppers.
  17. For Apple advertising fans: a site with all 66 "Get a Mac" commercials:
  18. Another 7.4 earthquake hits Japan. Tsunami warning again.
  19. Just saw a big screen TV made by... Polaroid.