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  1. Every day is #EarthDay at Parks Canada! We protect our natural places for the appreciation and enjoyment of present & future generations.
  2. Parks Canada is doing its part. We protect 42 national parks, 167 national historic sites & 3 national marine conservation areas! #EarthDay
  3. Take action today and find ways to get involved in your community for #EarthDay! @EarthDayCanada
  4. In case you missed it, here's an #MP3 of @CBCRadio's Stuart McLean paying tribute to the #RideauCanal #WorldHeritage
  5. This Week in History [April 18 – April 24] The Hyde Park Declaration: Towards Greater Canadian-American Co-operation
  6. Use #pc100 for everything Parks Canada during our Centennial celebrations! Let's get the word out!
  7. Parks Canada announced new and exciting Centennial activities! Why not make us part of your summer holidays? #pc100
  8. RT @myparkspass: Today is #WorldHeritageDay. Learn about Canada's World Heritage Sites from @ParksCanada!
  9. Today is @UNESCOheritage World Heritage Day! Celebrate the cultural heritage of water on the #RideauCanal, Ontario's only WorldHeritageSite!
  10. Got #RoyalWedding fever? Read this article from @ThaneBurnett about another young Prince of Wales: Edward VIII
  11. This weekend, April 15-17, come visit us at the Parks Canada booth during the Green Living Show at the Direct Energy Centre in #Toronto!
  12. @CBCRadio's The Vinyl Cafe does the Rideau Canal! Listen April 16 @ 9am, April 17 @ noon or April 19 @ 11pm.
  13. The only known site established by REAL Vikings in North America – not the #NFL team – is at L’Anse aux Meadows!
  14. Love turtles? Watch this great video about the Blanding’s Turtle @ Kejimkujik NP/NHS!
  15. RT @npproject: PC celebrations w/ special performance by NPP GWAII HAANAS musicians @sarah_harmer, @jampants & Bry Webb
  16. Check out some of the great finds at Fortress of Louisbourg NHS! Another great video from Canada’s Greatest Summer Job!
  17. Tune in to @DailyPlanetShow tonight at 7pm (ET) for more on @ParksCanada’s bison transfer to the Republic of Sakha in Russia!
  18. RT @historicplaces: Celebrate local heroes during Volunteer Week! Thank you for your devotion, passion, and selflessness
  19. This Week in History [ April 11 – April 17]: Downtown Gala Held for Vogue Theatre in #Vancouver
  20. #FF Some friends worldwide! @UNESCOheritage @ParksVictoria @NatlParkService @NatGeoSociety @UKNationalParks