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  1. "Social Privacy in Networked Publics: Teens’ Attitudes, Practices & Strategies" draft paper by @zephoria + @alicetiara
  2. @CraigPrice31 we'll pass along things we find interesting, relevant or timely. Our Twitter policy is online here, fyi:
  3. @CraigPrice31 have also used Twitter to clarify facts and respond. Plus not everything we tweet or RT is our own stuff...
  4. @CraigPrice31 I think so, yes - we took questions via Twitter during our consultations last spring.
  5. @brigidigital @CraigPrice31 in addition to the Twitters, have been web-logging since 07. There's also our lesser-visited Delicious acct...
  6. Final report on #priv2010 consumer consultations: industry needs stronger privacy protections
  7. Notre rapport final sur nos consultations #priv2010 :
  8. Cory Doctorow on how libraries can be "islands of networked privacy best practices": #youthprivacy
  9. RT @jrozenblit: #Cdndevs this one is for u - Privacy Commissioner of Canada: Privacy must be a front-end issue, not an afterthought #cda30
  10. Commissioner at #CDA30: "It's time to begin imposing fines" to help stem growing data breaches:
  11. La commissaire à #CDA30: L'imposition d'amendes est nécessaire pour endiguer le nombre accru d'atteintes :
  12. Our new personal information self-assessment tool for organizations released today:
  13. Nouvel outil d’auto-évaluation à l’intention des organisations:
  14. During Privacy Awareness Week (May 1-7), Asia Pacific Privacy Commissioners look at privacy on social network sites:
  15. If you missed Adam Greenfield at our last #privtalks, have a listen to his interview on Spark: /via @agpublic
  16. A big thanks to our speakers @azaaza @agpublic, our moderator @withthesuper8 and all others who participated today! #privtalks
  17. @agpublic: "there's no such thing as an anonymous data set in the current era of analytics" #privtalks
  18. @azaaza: "to developers: remember that any data that you collect and store can be asked for later" #privtalks
  19. @azaaza: "privacy doesn't matter to us until it bites us - designers need to make the invisible visible." #privtalks