Metropolis is an international network for comparative research and public policy development on migration, diversity, and immigrant integration in cities in Canada and around the world Search image1 Search image3
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The International Metropolis Project is a forum for bridging research, policy and practice on migration and diversity.
The Project aims to enhance academic research capacity, encourage policy-relevant research on migration and diversity issues,
and facilitate the use of that research by governments and non-governmental organizations.

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Final Report G8
Final Report
G8 Expert Roundtable on Diversity and Integration

Diversity matters forum on diasporas in the common-wealth address by D.Y.T.M. Raja Nazrin Shah Raja Muda Perak Darul Ridzuan
World Bulletin volume 8
World Bulletin
Volume 8
Imiscoe-Aup Series
New Title In The
Imiscoe-Aup Series:

The Position of the Turkish and Moroccan Second Generation in Amsterdam and Rotterdam
The TIES Study in
the Netherlands

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The International Metropolis Project is an international network engaged with better identifying, understanding, and adapting to the changes accompanying migration and diversity.  Through our efforts, we encourage the production and effective communication of policy-relevant knowledge amongst key decision-makers, thought leaders, and practitioners.  Since its inception, our network has grown to include partners from across North America and Europe as well as a growing presence in Africa, Latin America and much of the Asia-Pacific region.

Our international conferences represent the largest annual gathering of experts in the fields of migration and diversity.  In addition to a comprehensive study tour program, and just under 100 workshops, our plenary programme offers access to the thoughts, challenges, and prescriptions of some of the world’s key experts. Conferences have been held in:

• Bonn • Rotterdam
• Copenhagen • Toronto
• Geneva • Vancouver
• Lisbon • Vienna
• Melbourne • Washington
• Milan • Zichron Yaacov
• Oslo  

With future conferences planned for The Hague, and the Azores.  A competitive process has been developed to guide the selection of host cities.

In addition to our conferences, our network is brought together through shared research projects, publications and informal policy discussions; smaller Inter-Conference Seminars; the Journal of International Migration and Integration, which showcases international research on migration and diversity; and the Metropolis World Bulletin, our migration policy periodical offering insightful analysis on contemporary issues.

Our efforts are governed through a Secretariat, jointly located in Ottawa and Amsterdam, as well as biannual meetings of our International Steering Committee.

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