Welcome to the FOCAL archive

The Canadian Foundation for the Americas (FOCAL) is no longer in operation. This website documents FOCAL's activities and accomplishments throughout its existence. Thank you for your interest in the work of FOCAL.

FOCAL: Canadian Foundation for the Americas
Twenty years of influence on hemispheric policy: 1990-2011

FOCAL was created as an independent, non-governmental think-tank meant to enhance co-operation and dialogue, create new linkages, and strengthen existing ties between countries of the hemisphere through policy analysis and discussion.

Through its work over the years, FOCAL had much success in providing policy analysis, dialogue and debate to aid policy-makers, academics, development practitioners and the general public, in Canada and the region, and fostering greater understanding of hemispheric issues of importance to Canada.

FOCAL built a reputation of credibility through its consistent production of quality work, numerous achievements and project successes, and leaves behind a strong and impressive legacy of lasting change.

This website is intended to be an archive documenting FOCAL's many accomplishments, events, publications, and insights into hemispheric affairs throughout its existence.


A View of the Hemisphere



Explore the link between governance and development.