Metropolis is an international network for comparative research and public policy development on migration, diversity, and immigrant integration in cities in Canada and around the world Search image1 Search image3
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The International Metropolis Project is a forum for bridging research, policy and practice on migration and diversity.
The Project aims to enhance academic research capacity, encourage policy-relevant research on migration and diversity issues,
and facilitate the use of that research by governments and non-governmental organizations.

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The Position of the Turkish and Moroccan Second Generation in Amsterdam and Rotterdam
The TIES Study in the Netherlands

Edited by Maurice Crul and Liesbeth Heering

Stereotypical images and misconceptions dominate the press and popular understandings of immigrants, particularly those of Muslim origins. This volume combats those stereotypes with data and in-depth analysis to give insight into Europe’s two most significant second generation populations. Everyone concerned about the impact of immigration should read this book.”
-- Alex Stepick, Director of the Immigration and Ethnicity Institute, Florida International University, Miami

The second generation of Turkish and Moroccan origins in the Netherlands is coming of age. As the launch publication of The Integration of the European Second Generation, also known as the TIES project, this book presents groundbreaking research carried out in 2006 and 2007 among Dutch-born children of immigrants living in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Like the many other studies being initiated by TIES, this volume describes the unique challenges and opportunities that the second generation faces, particularly as they differ from those experienced by a comparison peer group whose parents were both born in the survey country itself. 



Amsterdam University Press | IMISCOE Research | ISBN 978 90 8964 061 1 | October 2008 | paperback | price € 34.50 | 192 pages

The TIES project originates from The second generation in European and American Metropolis pilot study. This pilot study was funded in the PME – Metropolis Research Initiative which was a collaboration between the Foundation for Population, Migration and the Environment and Metropolis International. The initiative aimed to increase international comparative research on migration and integration. 

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