
Immigration and Diversity

Crossroads of cultures, Engine of Economic Development

March 18-21, 2010 The Sheraton Centre, Montréal

The 2010 National Metropolis Conference will focus on immigration and inclusion with special attention to economic development and the meeting of cultures.

The deterioration of economic conditions—high unemployment rates and low income among the latest cohorts of immigrants—coupled with the recent global economic crisis, has made economic development an issue that cannot be ignored. But economic development cannot be separated from labour force needs and the delicate balance between those needs and immigration policy.

Equally important are issues of inclusion and cultural diversity. Montréal has long been a crossroads of European and North American cultures, but co-existence, social interactions, pluralism in education, religious diversity and intercultural challenges are now more complex, involve new regions, and call for new perspectives.

These issues will be explored during the plenary sessions, roundtables and workshops in the six priority areas that make up the Metropolis program:

  • 1 Citizenship and social, cultural, linguistic and civic integration
  • 2 Economic and labour market integration
  • 3 Family, children, youth
  • 4 The role of the host communities for newcomers and minorities
  • 5 Justice, policing and security
  • 6 Housing, neighbourhoods and the urban environment

Researchers and partners are invited to submit research and training workshops, roundtables or poster presentation proposals on one of the six priority areas above.

>> Our partners

*A special thank you to Martha Radice for taking the photos


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