Promoted Accounts

Use Promoted Accounts to quickly scale a follower-base of advocates and influencers for your brand.

Whether you are gearing up for a big product release or looking to expand your online presence, building a strong base of engaged Twitter followers who share and amplify your messages can help your marketing take off.

Following on Twitter is one of the strongest signals of online affinity. These are people who have indicated an active interest in your brand and who want to hear more from you.

The Promoted Account is featured in search results and within the Who To Follow section. Who To Follow is Twitter’s account recommendation engine and identifies similar accounts and followers to help users discover new businesses, content, and people on Twitter. Your Promoted Account appears in this section for users who have been identified as most likely to have interests similar to your account.

Promoted Account campaigns can be geo-targeted at the country level and at the DMA level within the U.S.

Promoted Accounts in Who to Follow
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Build a critical mass of loyal followers. Promoted Accounts are ideal for:

  • Turbo-charging user discovery
  • Building up to a big event or your next product release
  • Capitalizing on a particular event or period of the year when the account will be most relevant

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Promoted Accounts are available now.

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Promoted Accounts come with a dedicated Promoted Accounts Dashboard, for realtime insight into your campaign's performance.

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