
Twitter users have developed short-form syntax to make the most of 140 characters. Here are the fundamentals.

  • Mention

    Once you've signed up and chosen a Twitter username, you and others can mention an account in your Tweets by preceding it with the @ symbol, eg: "Glad your shipment arrived @janesmith!"
  • Retweet

    When you see a Tweet by another user that you want to share, click Retweet below it to forward it to your followers instantly.
  • Message

    If you want to privately Tweet to a particular user who's already following you, start your Tweet with DM or D to direct-message them, eg: "DM @joesmith234 what is your order number?"
  • Hashtag

    Users often prepend # to words in their Tweets to categorize them for others eg: "Check out our new products for the Fall #fallsale" Think of hashtags as the theme of your Tweet. Users can then click on a hashtag to see other similarly-themed tweets and find yours in search.
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