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Canadian Conference of the Arts

Conferences and Events


Cultural Forum Series

Where Is the Canadian Publishing Industry Going?

Date: November 17, 2011

Time: 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Location:  University of Ottawa, Desmarais Building,

55 Laurier Avenue East, 12th floor, Room 120


Where is the Canadian publishing industry going? Are the best years behind us?

Ten years ago, the Canadian publishing industry had no reason to envy publishing industries in other countries. Canadian literature and publishing houses were the finest jewels in Canada’s cultural life. During this period, Douglas Gibson published for McClelland & Stewart such authors as Alice Munro, Peter Gzowski, Jack Hodgins, James Houston, W.O. Mitchell and Mavis Gallant.  With the state of the economy and pressure from the European Union to relax ownership rules, what does the future hold for the Canadian publishing industry? These regulations, are they profitable and are they still appropriate in 2011?

Speaker: Douglas Gibson

Douglas Gibson will share his thoughts on this topic. Mr. Gibson worked as an editor and publisher from 1968 until his retirement from McClelland & Stewart in 2009. He may also share his anecdotes pulled from his newly released book: Stories About Storytellers: Publishing Alice Munro, Robertson Davies, Alistair MacLeod, Pierre Trudeau and Others. Copies of the book will be available for sale at the forum.

The Thinking Culture series is presented by the Canadian Conference of the Arts in collaboration with the University of Ottawa’s Centre on Governance, Centre for Continuing Education and School of Political Studies. The forums will be flexible in format, taking the shape of interactive lectures, debates, panels and presentations with opportunities for audience participation and exchange. We would like to thank the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS) for partnering in this forum.


General public - $15

CCA Members/University of Ottawa Faculty and Staff - $10

Students* - $5

*Valid student ID required


To register, please fill out the form below. Complete one form per person. Send completed forms by fax or mail with your payment to:

Louise Rochon

Canadian Conference of the Arts

406 - 130 Slater Street

Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2

Fax: (613) 238-4849

Registration Form