Advertise with us

Advertising within the Calgary Stampede media properties is a targeted and cost-effective way to reach prized demographics. Options include:

Stampede Planner – guaranteed high reach and frequency, this digest-sized handbook is the guide to all Stampede events during the 10 days. Distributed to Calgary and area households, tourist locations, and on the Park.

Stampede Day Sheets – 30,000 sheets featuring the day’s events and activities are given to guests at entrances and information booths.

Souvenir Programs – available for the Rodeo and/or Evening Show, these prestigious keepsake publications reach an affluent target audience.

Superscreens – Modular LED video displays with vibrant messaging.

Chuckwagon Canvases – Purchased at auction, successful bidders get the right to place their logo on a driver’s chuckwagon during the 10 days of the GMC Rangeland Derby – one of the Stampede’s most visible events.

If you would like additional information on advertising with the Calgary Stampede, please complete the form below.