The HP WindsorNot a 4inch WebOS smartphone that never saw the light of day

The downfall of WebOS left more than a few canceled devices in its wake, but the most illusive of the bunch tends to be the WindsorNot: a touch-only smartphone. We've seen hints of it here and there, but the shy little device has largely been kept under wraps -- until now. The dedicated folks at WebOS Nation have managed to get their hands on a functional prototype. The 4-inch devices seems to lie somewhere between a Pre3 and HP Touchapd, aping the hardware specifications of the former while adopting the latter's software version: WebOS 3.0. The tweaked software does feature a smartphone-sized keyboard, but WebOS Nation says some of the OS' trappings are difficult to read, and were clearly meant to be refined for the smaller screen before release. The phone's form, on the other hand, seems to be top notch, indicating that the project was canned before the software team had a chance to catch up. Check out the source link for a full walkthrough of the device and a brief history lesson of WebOS' last days.


A lot of folks have been wondering just how Nintendo's keynote was going to outshine the launch of two competitor consoles at this year's E3. Turns out, it won't. During Nintendo's Japanese financial results briefing, company President Satoru Iwata revealed the company wouldn't be hosting a Keynote at E3 this year. "We decided not to host a large-scale presentation targeted at everyone in the international audience where we announce new information as we did in the past," Iwata explained. "Instead, at the E3 show this year, we are planning to host a few smaller events that are specifically focused on our software lineup for the US market." Nintendo will be hosting two events, actually -- one for distributors and another for the media. The company president says he won't personally be speaking at either event.

In lieu of the traditional keynote livestream, Nintendo will be releasing Nintendo Direct streams to deliver region specific news to Japanese and overseas fans. It's a bold, and perhaps dangerous move for the Japanese gaming giant. While bowing out of the keynote avoids the yearly squabble over who "won" E3 in the eyes of critics, it also forfeits the opportunities a large presentation provides, namely promotion. Excitable fans may have to wait until Nintendo Spaceworld to get their hype-fix.


Word that Verizon would like to buy out Vodafone's 45 percent share of Verizon Wireless is hardly new, but Reuters reports it may finally be financially ready to take that step. According to unnamed sources, it's hired bank and legal advisers to prepare the bid, raising $50 billion in bank financing plus $50 billion in its own shares. Friendly discussions are said to start "soon", but if Vodafone is not interested it could take its bid public. It's probably no coincidence that the news is leaking just before Verizon's board meets to discuss a buyout before its regular shareholders meeting, but there are some potential complications. One holdup has been a potential hefty tax bill, but the Verizon CFO has been quoted saying he thinks that can be avoided, giving it more flexibility based on the cash generated by the wireless business.


Nintendo's Miiverse gets mobile access, web interface

Littered among Nintendo's promises for the year were plans to take Miiverse, the company's social platform, to the next level. That starts today, with the company launching a web portal for the community. Wii U owners can now access their Miiverse activity feed, user menu, notifications and communities through using the same login information they created when they first set up their home console. The experience is limited for now, users can comment on and Yeah! (Miiverse's take on "like") existing posts, but can't create new threads. In addition to being Nintendo's first public foray into the social space, it also marks the first time the company has used its Nintendo Network ID outside of the Wii U ecosystem. According to the company's Twitter account, Nintendo considers this a beta expereince, and has said in the past that a dedicated Miiverse app and 3DS access will be available in the future. For now, Nintendo's social legions will have to settle for a web-based experience -- it may seem like a slow start, but for Nintendo it's a giant leap forward.


It's funny how a few tweaks can make a Government program go from completely legal, to questionably so. A new secret authorization puts the US Justice Department on the fuzzy side of the legal line, approving the expansion of a program originally intended to monitor the internet traffic of military defense contractors to include energy, healthcare and finance sectors. The original program, known as the DIB Cyber Pilot, was voluntary, requiring users to approve monitoring via a login interface. Specific details on how the new program differs aren't known, but CNET reports that the Justice Department has begun issuing letters granting legal immunity to providers who violate the Wiretap Act for the sake of the program. These letters were sent to AT&T and other internet service providers, though it isn't clear how many have gone out.

Electronic Privacy Information Center executive director Marc Rotenberg summerized the situation for CNET, "The Justice Department is helping private companies evade federal wiretap laws. Alarm bells should be going off." The operation was approved by Executive order earlier this year, but remains on shaky ground. Still, these legal complications could soon vanish: if signed into law, the CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act) would formally authorize the program. The expanded program doesn't go into effect until June 12th and will only apply to areas of critical infrastructure. Hungry for more information? Don your tinfoil hat, and check out CNET for the entire report.


Yahoo snags exclusive rights to Saturday Night Live's archives starting September 1st

Yahoo may have failed in its bid to acquire Hulu last year, but CEO Marissa Mayer announced it's snagged rights to show something the streaming site has been known for: Saturday Night Live. The deal with Broadway Video will give Yahoo exclusive online access to archived SNL content from 1975 through 2013 including show clips, "select" musical performances, behind the scenes and dress rehearsal clips. Yahoo will also have non-exclusive access to show current season Saturday Night Live clips in the US and a license to distribute library show clips internationally. Beginning September 1st, those archived clips will be pulled from other internet video platforms (presumably Hulu and Netflix) for one year. The press release (included after the break) indicates Broadway and Yahoo will celebrate the partnership at Yahoo!'s Digital Content NewFront event on the 29th. We'll see if there's more to learn about Yahoo's ever-evolving media strategy then.

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Full launch of Samsung Knox delayed until a 'later date'

The Galaxy S 4 launch was also supposed to mark the release of Knox, Samsung's plan to balance home life and work through software. Unfortunately, Galaxy owners will have to live slightly off-kilter for a while longer -- the company has officially delayed full Knox service to a "later date." While the GS 4 ships with the necessary underpinnings, both distributors and providers have to fall into place before the suite is completely ready. Samsung hasn't officially said when it expects Knox to arrive in earnest, although the New York Times claims that it may appear as late as July. Whether or not that's true, the setback adds to what's becoming a hitch-prone debut for Samsung's 2013 Android flagship.


Ubuntu 1304 available tomorrow, brings a streamlined footprint to the forefront

From an end user's perspective, it's always nice to see developers take a step back and focus on streamlining their code, rather than simply piling on new features. Apple used the strategy to great success with Snow Leopard, and now Canonical is set to follow suit with Raring Ringtail, also known as Ubuntu 13.04. The latest version of the popular Linux distro is set for general availability tomorrow, which follows a beta release and a controversial amount of secrecy. Raring Ringtail is characterized as "the fastest and most visually polished Ubuntu experience to date," with a particular emphasis on a smaller memory footprint and greater responsiveness. Much of the streamlining effort was in preparation for Ubuntu's future life in mobile, and to coincide with that effort, developers will find a preview SDK for app development and the ability to test apps within the MIR display server. The release is now a mere hours away, and yes, it'll be a good day.

[Image credit: WebUpd8]

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Mostly known for its extravagant speaker systems, KEF is finally taking a whack at ear gear. Today, the company announced two new types of HiFi headphones, known as the M Series, which include a pair of on-ear cups (M500) and a set of in-ear buds (M200). Priced at $300, the M500 sports a full aluminum frame and sweat resistant padding, along with a 10mm driver for lows and a 5.5mm driver for mids and highs in each earcup. If enclosed head gear isn't your thing, the $200 M200 offers an aluminum housing and a pair of silicone ear tips with an adjustable arm for improved comfort. Like their pricer sibling, these earphones also feature a dual-driver system. While we've yet to spend time with the M500 or M200, their press pictures and specs aren't too shabby. Call it a hunch, but we doubt they'll need any celebrity endorsements. For more info on KEF's new headphone line, hit the presser after the break.

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DNP The Daily RoundUp

You might say the day is never really done in consumer technology news. Your workday, however, hopefully draws to a close at some point. This is the Daily Roundup on Engadget, a quick peek back at the top headlines for the past 24 hours -- all handpicked by the editors here at the site. Click on through the break, and enjoy.

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