International Francophonie

La Francophonie internationale is the group of States and governments that use French as a common language, and is part of the International Organization of La Francophonie (IOF). The IOF, of which Canada is a founding member, has 57 members, including the governments of Quebec and New Brunswick, and 20 observers. These States and governments meet at a summit every two years to define the IOF's direction and program. In the Declaration adopted at the Québec Summit in 2008, the Heads of State and Government called for the reinforcement of legal and judicial cooperation in the Francophone world, as put forward at the Ministerial Conference of Justice Ministers of La Francophonie, held in Paris earlier that year.

In 2013, the Office, which works in close cooperation with Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, remain poised to use its resources to define, coordinate and promote Canada's positions on which it will base its contribution to various Francophone issues.

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Jean-François Bonin
Legal Counsel
International Francophonie