How to Apply for Funding

Appendix D

Departmental Review Process

In selecting recipients for grants and contributions, consultations will normally be undertaken with different sectors within the Department and when appropriate, with other federal departments, provincial/territorial governments and other public or private organizations.

In reviewing proposals, the Department will take into consideration the following factors:

  • a project must be in keeping with and directly support and advance the current governmental and Departmental legal, socio-legal and program mandate, responsibilities and priorities and objectives of the Fund under which the proposal is submitted;
  • applicant's financial request for funding assistance;
  • the potential of the budget to be in a deficit or surplus position on completion of the project;
  • the involvement of the applicant, nature of the project, its validity, support of the provincial, territorial and where applicable, national governments, as well as local support;
  • the innovative nature of the project, as well as its cost-effective aspects and applicability to other jurisdictions;
  • the ability of the applicant to carry out the activities within a specific time frame and budget;
  • the previous funding provided by the Department and the recipient's experience and background with respect to its ability to successfully complete and document the proposed project;
  • the manner in which the project will be developed, implemented and monitored, as well as its accessibility to be documented for information purposes and where appropriate, for evaluation of its potential contribution to the development and implementation of legal, civil legal and program policies;
  • the public recognition by the recipient of the Department's contribution;
  • proposals which demonstrate the potential to further advance the government's and Department's knowledge base, legislative, and policy and program development agendum;
  • type and extent of report on activity;
  • provision for appropriate evaluation of the project and suitability of dissemination plan; and,
  • project viability and impact on the justice system and Canadians.