Statement by the Minister of Justice Regarding the Sentencing of Graham James

OTTAWA, February 15, 2013 - The Honourable Rob Nicholson, P.C., Q.C., M.P. for Niagara Falls, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, made the following statement on the Manitoba Court of Appeal decision related to the sentencing of Graham James:

“The public loses faith in the justice system when they feel that the consequences of breaking the law are inadequate. Child sexual abuse and exploitation are very serious crimes that call out for serious penalties. I am pleased that the Manitoba Court of Appeal has recognized through this decision that children - the most vulnerable members of our society - must be protected from sexual predators.

Our Government has worked hard to protect children against sexual predators. The Safe Streets and Communities Act provided tougher penalties for those who commit sexual offences against children and youth and ensures that every instance of child sexual abuse means jail time. But our work is not done.

Later this year, we will introduce comprehensive legislation which further cracks down on child sexual predators. We also intend to ensure that the justice system adequately reflects the reality of victimization in these cases, and takes into account each young life that has been devastated by sexual abuse.

This is an important part of our Government's plan for safe streets and communities, which is one of the key priorities recently identified by the Prime Minister. The plan focuses on our ongoing commitment to tackling crime, victims' rights, and a fair and efficient justice system.”

