General Help

The left navigation menu contains links to the various areas of the Justice Laws Website. The links are organized into the following groups:

  • Laws – collections of federal Acts, regulations and other legal documents
  • Search – see search help page
  • Resources – helpful links to research tools and related websites
  • Help – information to assist in using the website

Table of Contents

When navigating to an Act or regulation, you will be taken to its Table of Contents page. This page includes the following information and useful features:

  • current-to and last amended dates
  • a list of headings, and the section number that follows each heading, that link to their exact location in Document View
  • full document access for previous versions
  • links to related information such as "Amendments Not in Force" and "Related Provisions"
  • for Acts, links to the regulations made under the Act
  • for regulations, link to the enabling Act or Acts
  • access to full documents in HTML, XML and PDF formats for the current consolidation

Document View

This is the main view of the collections where the documents are broken down into pages. Document View has the following information and useful features:

  • at the top and bottom of each page, there is a drop-down menu that allows you to easily navigate through the document and there are also links to the previous and next page
  • current-to date listed in the top information area
  • access to full documents in HTML, XML and PDF formats for the current consolidation
  • inline links to consolidated Acts and regulations that are referenced in the document
  • links to previous versions of individual amended sections and schedules
  • option to highlight terms on the page