How to Apply for Funding

Relevant information you should know

Access to information

The information provided in the application for funding, final project report and any products produced as a result of funded projects may be accessible under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.


The agreement or letter of offer states that you retain copyright for funded work produced in the project. At the same time, you give the Minister of Justice a royalty-free, permanent and exclusive licence to produce, reproduce or publish, in any way, the original work or an adaptation, in any language, for use within the federal public service and for non-commercial distribution.

Audit requirements in contributions

You are responsible for keeping accurate financial records of revenues and expenses in connection with your project. These records may be open to audit by authorized agents of the Department of Justice Canada. Audits are conducted using the Government of Canada's policy guidelines and procedures for contribution programs. An audit is not required for grants.

Language policy

The agreement or letter of offer includes a reference that projects are expected to respect the spirit and intent of the Official Languages Act with regard to service to the Canadian public in both of Canada's official languages.

Conflict of interest

Funded recipients must respect and comply with the Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders and the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service. Where an applicant employs or has a major shareholder who is either a current or a former (in the last 12 months) public office holder or public servant of the federal government, written proof is required to show compliance with the Code(s). Proof consists of a letter from the current/former department of the public office holder or public servant, or from the Ethics Commissioner in respect of a public office holder.


The program under which you have applied undergoes an extensive evaluation every five years. The project information will be held on file after the completion of the project and will be included as part of this evaluation. In the event that your project is chosen for follow-up, you may be contacted to request your participation in the evaluation.