Financial Assistance to Host Events during National Victims of Crime Awareness Week

Funding applications for NVCAW 2013 are no longer being accepted.


The Federal Victims Strategy consolidates all federal government work related to victims of crime into one objective: to give victims a more effective voice in the criminal justice system.
The Victims Fund provides grants and contributions to support projects and activities that encourage the development of new approaches, promote access to justice, improve the capacity of service providers, foster the establishment of referral networks, and/or increase awareness of services available to victims of crime and their families. The Fund does not provide criminal injuries compensation for victims of crime.

Funding is available through the Victims Fund for organizations to host events during the National Victims of Crime Awareness Week (NVCAW).

The key goal of NVCAW is to raise awareness about the issues facing victims of crime and about the services, assistance and laws in place to help victims and their families. The Week also acknowledges the work of victim service providers and their dedication in assisting victims of crime and their families.

Who is eligible?

Who can apply for this funding?

The following are invited to apply for funding for NVCAW activities:

  • Not-for-profit agencies and organizations;
  • educational institutions;
  • bands and tribal councils,
  • provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments; and,
  • private-sector organizations sponsoring non-profit projects


The key goal of NVCAW is to raise awareness about the issues facing victims of crime and about the services, assistance and laws in place to help victims and their families. The Week also acknowledges the work of victim service providers and their dedication in assisting victims of crime and their families.
The objectives of the Victims Fund are to:

  • promote access to justice and participation by victims in the justice system;
  • promote the development of law, policies and programs for victims;
  • promote the implementation of principles, guidelines and laws designed to address the needs of victims of crime and articulate the victim’s role in the criminal justice system;
  • increase knowledge and awareness of the impact of victimization, the needs of victims of crime, available services, assistance and programs, and relevant legislation;
  • encourage governmental and non-governmental organizations to identify victim needs and gaps in services, and develop and deliver programs, services and assistance to victims; and,
  • promote capacity-building within non-governmental organizations.

The key goals of the NVCAW is to:

  • raise awareness about the issues facing victims of crime and about the services, assistance and laws in place to help victims and their families; and,
  • acknowledge the work of victim service providers and their dedication in assisting victims of crime and their families.


What types of projects qualify for this funding?

Events or activities taking place during NVCAW, intended to raise public awareness about victim issues and about services and assistance available to victims and their families will be considered. Events organized to acknowledge the work of victim service providers are also eligible for funding.

Points to Consider

Please note that funding is limited, and therefore, not all eligible proposals will be funded.
The Department of Justice thanks you for taking the time to complete and submit an application for funding.
Applicants should take into consideration the following:

  • Geographic distribution, the collaborative nature of the proposed projects and how well projects reflect the NVCAW theme.
  • Only applications that have been completed in full will be eligible for funding. Please use the checklist attached to the application form as Annex A to ensure that your application is complete and that your proposed project meets all of the selection criteria.
  • Your application must meet the criteria set out by the selection committee. The selection criteria are listed in the section below.
  • It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the funding application has been received by the Department of Justice Canada.

What expenses are eligible?

The following are typically considered eligible for funding:

  • Contract fee expenses (e.g. contract for speaker fees);
  • Salaries (coordinator/facilitator);
  • Cost of supplies/materials/services;
  • Facility rental and reasonable hospitality costs for special events;
  • Travel/accommodation/incidental expenses to bring in professionals, such as workshop facilitators, panelists and presenters, for presentation or training purposes; and,
  • Advertising costs.

What expenses are ineligible?

Ineligible expenses include the following:

  • Stand-alone meal expenses, unless they include speeches/presentations focused on victim awareness and victim services;
  • Participants' travel, accommodation, incidentals and other related expenses to attend NVCAW events;
  • Purchase of commercial films and materials (even though related to victimization) for showing and distribution as part of NVCAW events;
  • Capital expenses (e.g., purchase of equipment, buildings); and,
  • Satellite events of victim-related organizations. A satellite event is a meeting organized by an organization or group to coincide with the events of NVCAW (e.g., organization's annual meeting). Satellite events differ from NVCAW-related events and activities, as they focus on the specific mandate or project of an organization or group.

When is the deadline to submit a funding application?

The deadline to submit your funding application is November 16, 2012. Applications will only be accepted up to this date.

How to Apply for NVCAW Funding

The following is a guide to assist with making a proposal for funding:

The following application form should be used to submit a request for funding.  Once completed, the form contains all the information required to allow the Department of Justice Canada to fully assess the merits of the proposal.

Send your completed application package to:

Victims Fund Manager
Programs Branch
Department of Justice
284 Wellington Street, 6th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H8
Fax: (613) 941-2269
Telephone: (613) 941-4193

Note: The Department of Justice does not need a signed paper copy of this application. The electronic submission of this application to the Department is understood to be consent for the Department to review the application and to enter into a funding agreement with the organization, if funding is approved.
Please also refer to the NVCAW Theme Description. How the theme is reflected in your proposed project is one of the most important aspects that will be considered in the selection process. Finally, you can consult our "FAQ" for answers to common questions.

Selection Criteria

The following criteria will be used by the selection committee when reviewing applications and deciding which projects will receive funding:
1. The application form must be completed in full.
2. The application must be submitted by November 16, 2013. Late applications will not be accepted.
3. All expenses listed in the application must be eligible for funding (please see "How to Apply for Funding - A Guide to Preparing a Proposal," and the "FAQ" document included in the NVCAW funding package for examples of eligible and ineligible expenses). /eng/fund-fina/guide/guide.pdf
4. All expenses must be reasonable and customary, and must demonstrate good value for Canadians.
5. The theme for NVCAW must be clearly reflected in the proposed project.
6. The proposed project must support the Victims Fund objective of raising awareness and knowledge about the impact of victimization, the needs of victims of crime, available services, assistance and legislation. (Please visit the Victims Fund section for more information on the Fund).
7. Collaborative projects / community partnerships are encouraged.
The following two factors may also be taken into account by the selection committee when reviewing the funding applications:

  • The selection committee may take geographic representation into account during the review process.

8. The selection committee may undertake a global assessment of all proposals in a given  jurisdiction to ensure variety and broad reach, and to avoid too much similarity / duplication in projects.

Official Languages

In support of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act, the Department is committed to facilitating the participation of official language minority communities and their organizations in the development and assessment of the Department's policies, programs and services having significant impact on the development of the communities; and to take measures to ensure that the Department of Justice's programs and services reach official language minority communities. In the context of project funding, these measures include:

  • outreach to official language minority communities to enhance their understanding of the Department of Justice funding programs; and
  • encouraging contacts between organizations that are receiving financial assistance and official language minority organizations/groups to ensure that the needs of these communities are taken into consideration in relation to the proposed projects to be considered for Department of Justice Canada funding.

Sustainable Development

The Department of Justice encourages applicants to submit proposals electronically.  If you submit your application on paper, please consider printing on both sides of the paper. These actions will minimize environmental impacts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is there a limit to funding for a particular community? If five groups in my community submit merited proposals, will they all receive funding or is geographic distribution a consideration?

A. Geographic distribution may be considered in the selection process. Collaborative projects and community partnerships are encouraged. As funding is limited each year, not all eligible applications can be approved.

Q. Are "crime prevention" projects with a "victim" focus eligible for funding?

A. The goal of the NVCAW is to promote awareness of victim issues and services available to victims and their families after a crime occurs. Crime prevention projects are not eligible for funding. To access funding information with regard to crime prevention projects, please click on the following link:

Q. What is the timeframe for funding?

A. Funding can only be provided for events/activities that mark National Victims of Crime Awareness Week. Expenditures must be for expenses that occur for planning or holding events/activities during the Week. For detailed deadlines, please consult the NVCAW 2013 Funding Information Sheet.

Q. Where can I find guidance on organizing an NVCAW event or activity?

A. The Resource Guide for the NVCAW offers many suggestions for organizing events and activities to raise awareness of victim of crime issues. It also includes a section on event planning.

Contact Information

Where is more information available?

For more information about the Victims Fund and how to apply for funding, contact us:
Victims Fund Manager
Programs Branch
Department of Justice
284 Wellington Street, 6th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0H8

Fax: (613) 941-2269
Telephone: (613) 941-4193